Jani Vaara

Varusmiesten liikuntakoulutusta kehittämässä : harjoitteluinterventiotutkimuksen vaikutukset fyysiseen toimintakykyyn, liikunnan minäpystyvyyteen ja varusmiesten kokemukseen liikuntakoulutuksessa

Sotilas tarvitsee operatiivisessa työssään monipuolisesti fyysistä suorituskykyä ja nykyaikainen taistelukenttä edellyttääkin sotilailta sekä voimaa että kestävyyttä. Puolustusvoimien fyysisen koulutuksen tärkeimpänä tavoitteena on valmistaa sotilasta selviytymään omasta poikkeusolojen tehtävästään. nonPeerReviewed

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Circulating IGF-I is associated with fitness and health outcomes in a population of 846 young healthy men

Abstract Context Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is thought to mediate many of the beneficial outcomes of physical activity. While IGF-I has previously been shown to be positively related with aerobic fitness, few studies have examined IGF-I relationships with other fitness and health parameters. The robustness of IGF-I as a biomarker of fitness and health has yet to be fully determined. Objective To determine the association of circulating IGF-I with fitness, body composition and health parameters in young, healthy men. Design and subjects A cross-section of 846 young, healthy Finnish men (25 ± 5 yr, 180 ± 6 cm, 81 ± 13 kg). Subjects were divided into quintiles of IGF-I concentrations…

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Neuromuscular Performance and Hormonal Profile During Military Training and Subsequent Recovery Period.

INTRODUCTION Military training loads may induce different physiological responses in garrison and field training and only a little is known about how short-time recovery, lasting a few days, affects neuromuscular fitness and hormonal profile. This study aimed to investigate the effects of garrison and field military service on neuromuscular performance and hormonal profile and to evaluate the effects of a 3-day recovery on those factors. METHODS Twenty healthy male soldiers (20 ± 1 years) participated in the study, which consisted of 4 days of garrison training [days (D) 1-4] and 7 days of military field training (Days 5-12) followed by a 3-day recovery period (Day 15). Serum hormone concen…

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Associations of physical activity and physical fitness with cardiovascular risk factors in young men

Artikkeliväitöskirja. Sisältää yhteenveto-osan ja neljä artikkelia. Article dissertation. Contains an introduction part and four articles.

research product

Varusmiesten liikuntakoulutus osana Koulutus 2020 -uudistusta : tutkimusraportti

Puolustusvoimien fyysisen koulutuksen tärkeimpänä tavoitteena on valmistaa sotilasta selviytymään omasta tehtävästään. Koulutus 2020 -ohjelman mukaisessa varusmieskoulutuksessa tavoitteena on kehittää liikuntakoulutusta siten, että varusmiesten kokonaisvaltainen toimintakyky parantuisi. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on verrata uusimuotoisen ja suunnitelmallisen fyysisen toimintakyvyn harjoittelun vaikutuksia nykyiseen liikuntakoulutukseen tutkimalla varusmiesten kestävyys- ja voimaominaisuuksia, kognitiivista toimintakykyä, veren hormonipitoisuuksia, kehonkoostumusta ja terveyttä perus- (P), erikois- (E) ja joukko- (J) koulutuskausien aikana. Tutkimus toteutettiin Kainuun prikaatissa II/2…

research product

60 tunnin valvomisen vaikutus aerobiseen suorituskykyyn

Jani Vaara, 2006. 60 tunnin valvomisen vaikutus aerobiseen suorituskykyyn. Liikuntafysiologia. Johdatus omatoimiseen tutkimustyohon. Jyväskylän yliopisto, liikuntabiologian laitos. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää 60 tunnin valvomisen ja sen aikana toteuttavan esikuntatyyppisen harjoituksen vaikutuksia aerobiseen suorituskykyyn. Koehenkilöinä tutkimuksessa oli 10 Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun kadettioppilasta (26 ± 3 v.). Valvomisjakson aikana koehenkilöt eivät nauttineet piristäviä aineita sekä heidän fyysinen aktiivisuutensa oli minimaalista. Koehenkilöt suorittivat maksimaalisen polkupyöräergometritestin 2 vuorokautta ennen valvomisjakson alkamista sekä heti sen päätyttyä. Mitat…

research product

Changes in physical fitness and anthropometrics differ between female and male recruits during the Finnish military service

IntroductionMilitary training programmes are often similar for male and female recruits despite sex differences in physical performance that may influence training adaptations during military service. The present study aimed to compare changes in physical fitness and anthropometrics between Finnish female and male recruits during military service.MethodsA total of 234 690 male and 3549 female recruits participated in fitness tests at the beginning and end of military service between 2005 and 2015. Anthropometric measurements were body mass, height, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). Fitness tests consisted 12 min running, standing long jump, and sit-ups and push-ups.Results…

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Kyky toimia arvossaan turvallisuusaloilla

Turvallisuusalojen henkilöstön fyysisen toimintakyvyn ylläpito korostuu Euroopan kiristyneessä turvallisuustilanteessa. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Physical fitness and anthropometrics in Finnish soldiers during their early career: prospective changes during a 3-year follow-up.

IntroductionPhysical fitness is a fundamental capability required of military personnel, but studies focusing on longitudinal changes in physical fitness and anthropometrics in soldiers are lacking. The aim was to evaluate physical fitness and anthropometrics in soldiers during their early career.MethodsA 3-year prospective study included 180 male soldiers (baseline age 26±2 years) with measures of a 12 min running test, standing long jump, sit-up and push-up tests, and body mass, height and waist circumference (WC). Baseline data were stratified into tertiles, and the changes within each tertile were analysed using dependent t-tests and analysis of variance.Results12 min running test dista…

research product

Relationships Between Youth Sports Participation and Mental Health in Young Adulthood Among Finnish Males

There is a growing body of evidence that higher level of physical activity is associated with a better state of mental health. Less is known about the relationships between youth competitive sports and mental health in the adulthood. The aim of the study was to examine whether retrospectively assessed sports participation (SP) and competitive sports (CS) at the age of 12 years is associated with mental health (mental well-being as well as mental distress) and health behaviour in young adulthood among males. The study sample consisted of 680 males aged between 20−35 years. The data were gathered with self-administered questionnaires in 2015 in Finland. Mental well-being was measured with The…

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Basal Endogenous Steroid Hormones, Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin, Physical Fitness, and Health Risk Factors in Young Adult Men.

Purpose: Few large-scale population-based studies have adequately examined the relationships between steroid hormones, health status and physical fitness. The purpose of the study was to describe the relationship of serum basal endogenous steroid hormones (testosterone, TES; empirical free testosterone, EFT; cortisol, COR) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) to body composition, cardiovascular risk factors, and physical fitness in young healthy men. Methods: Male reservists (25 ± 4 years, N = 846) participated in the study. Basal TES, EFT, COR, and SHBG were measured in morning fasted blood. Stepwise regression analyses were used to examine associations between individual hormones to fo…

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Awareness and Knowledge of Physical Activity Recommendations in Young Adult Men.

Background: There are only a few studies that have assessed awareness and knowledge regarding aerobic type of physical activity (PA) guidelines recommendations, while no previous studies have examined muscular type of activity recommendation guidelines. The aim was to assess knowledge and awareness and study the associations with demographic variables and physical activity and fitness. Methods: Participants were 776 young (age 26 ± 7 years) men. Awareness and knowledge of PA recommendation guidelines were assessed by prompted questionnaires together with demographic variables and physical activity. In addition, physical fitness was measured. Results: Forty percent of the participants report…

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