Matti Kuorelahti

Sopeutumattomien luokkamuotoisen erityisopetuksen tuloksellisuus

research product

Luokkamuotoisen erityisopetuksen tuloksellisuus : sopeutumattomat oppilaat, vanhemmat, opettajat ja rehtorit arvioivat

research product

Käyttäytymisen ja tunteiden vahvuuksien arviointiväline (KTVA)

Lasten ja nuorten käyttäytymisen ja tunne-elämän arviointiin sekä arviointipohjaiseen näyttöön perustuvaan tukemiseen tarvitaan tutkittuja ja Suomessa toimivaksi todettuja arviointivälineitä. Tässä artikkelissa esitellään lasten ja nuorten käyttäytymisen ja tunteiden vahvuuksien arviointiin tarkoitettua arviointiväline Käyttäytymisen ja tunteiden vahvuuksien arviointiväline (KTVA), joka eroaa perinteisestä ongelmakeskeisestä arvioinnista ilmaisemalla kaikki lasta ja nuorta koskevat väittämät myönteisesti. KTVA soveltuu niin peruskoulussa kuin toisella asteellakin käytettäväksi. Lokakuussa 2018 julkaistavan KTVA-kirja perustuu Suomessa vuosina 2007–2017 tehtyyn tutkimukseen. Lisäksi lapsi ta…

research product

Tiedon portaat

research product

Kodin sosioekonominen asema lasten koulumenestyksen taustalla : selvitys v. 1979 syntyneiden jämsänkoskelaisten lasten koulu-urasta

research product

Student behavioral engagement as a mediator between teacher, family, and peer support and school truancy

This study investigated the associations between student's behavioral engagement; teacher, family, and peer emotional support; and school truancy. Student-reported data of 821 Finnish junior high school students were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Teacher and family support were positively associated with student behavioral engagement, which in turn was negatively associated with truancy. Behavioral engagement mediated the associations between teacher and family emotional support and truancy. The results highlight the pivotal roles of teacher and family emotional support in fostering student behavioral engagement and preventing truancy in junior high schools. Students who are …

research product

Student Engagement and School Burnout in Finnish Lower-Secondary Schools: Latent Profile Analysis

Self-ratings of behavioural engagement, cognitive engagement and school burnout were used in person-centred analyses to identify latent profiles among 2,485 Finnish lower-secondary school students. Three profiles were identified: high-engagement/low-burnout (40.6% of the sample), average-engagement/average-burnout (53.9%), and low-engagement/high-burnout (5.5%). Another sample of lower-secondary school students was used to validate the 3 profiles. The factors most strongly associated with the high-engagement/low-burnout profile of lower-secondary school students’ were high levels of support from teachers and family, good academic performance, and lack of truancy. The study indicated that te…

research product

Struggling for inclusive education in Japan and Finland: teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education

The aim of this study was to analyse and compare teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education in two culturally different countries: Finland and Japan. A sample of 362 Finnish and 1518 Japanese teachers participated in this survey. The teachers’ attitudes varied and were rather critical. The Finnish teachers were more worried about teachers’ efficacy when implementing inclusion, particularly when teaching students with intellectual disabilities or emotional and behavioural problems. The Japanese teachers had a more positive view on the benefits of inclusion for disabled or non-disabled students. Because Finnish schools emphasise the effectiveness of special education, the Finnish teacher…

research product

Analyzing measurement invariance of the students’ engagement instrument brief version:the cases of Denmark, Finland, and Portugal

The promotion of students’ engagement with school is an internationally acknowledged challenge in education. There is a need to examine the structure of the concept of student engagement and to discover the best practices for fostering it across societies. That is why the cross-cultural invariance testing of students’ engagement measures is highly needed. This study aimed, first, to find the reduced set of theoretically valid items to represent students’ affective and cognitive engagement forming the Brief-SEI (brief version of the Student Engagement Instrument; SEI). The second aim was to test the measurement invariance of the Brief-SEI across three countries (Denmark, Finland, and Portug…

research product

The relationship between classroom quality and students' engagement in secondary school

Student engagement has been identified as an influential mediator between classroom interactional quality and adolescent learning outcomes. This study examined the relationship between classroom quality and student behavioural engagement in secondary school classrooms. Three dimensions of classroom quality (emotional, organisational and instructional support) and the dimension of student engagement were observed in nine classrooms using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System. Self-ratings of behavioural engagement were provided by 181 Finnish secondary school students along with their teachers’ ratings of classroom-level student engagement. The results showed, first, that there was variati…

research product