Līga Avotiņa
Dažādas izcelsmes biodīzeļdegvielas ietekme uz dažu polimēru stiprības īpašībām
Gumijas materiāli izturēti noteiktu laiku dažādas izcelsmes biodīzeļdegvielā – rafinētā rapšu eļļā un pāresterificetā augu eļļā, kā arī fosīlajā degvielā un toluolā. Pētītas paraugu stiprības un deformatīvās īpašības. Atrastas trūkšanas spriegumu un pagarinājumu vērtības. Veikta paraugu akustiska izpēte.
Thermokinetic Investigation of the Drying Conditions on Amorphous Calcium Phosphate
The present work investigated dried calcium phosphate powders which still retain an amorphous or poorly crystalline structure under a variety of conditions. In previous studies, freeze-drying was found to be the optimum drying condition. However, several publications, as well as our previous studies, have shown that calcium phosphate amorphous, or a poorly crystalline structure, can retain their structure even if the samples are dried immediately after synthesis up to 200°C. In our study, we used the thermokinetic studies FTIR and XRD and showed that the samples are amorphous, or poorly crystalline, but were unable to answer the questions: Is there a difference between the differently dried…
Plazmas kamers divertora materiālu un tajos uzkrātā tritija savstarpējās mijiedarbības novērtējums
Darbā pētīti tokamaka veida reaktora Apvienotais Eiropas Tors (JET) MkII-SRP konfigurācijas divertora ķieģeļi, kas izgatavoti no oglekļa šķiedras kompozītmateriāla. Analizētie ķieģeļi atradās reaktorā plazmas darbības procesu laikā no 2001.līdz 2004.gadam. Izlases kārtībā izvēlētiem paraugiem, uzņemtas rentgendifraktogrammas, IS un Ramana spektri. Paraugu izvēle veikta, lai raksturotu materiāla struktūru poloidalā, toroidālā virzienā un tilpumā. Iegūtie rezultāti par struktūru ķieģeļa dziļumā liecina par tās neviendabīgumu. Salīdzinot rezultātus ar tritija sadalījumu attiecīgos ķieģeļa apgabalos attiecībā pret plazmas saskares virsmu, tie norāda uz materiāla struktūras un tritija sadalījuma…
New Fluorescent Heterocyclic Compounds Derived From 3-Cyanobenzanthrone
The four-cyclic condensed aromatic ketone 7H-benz[de]anthracene-7-one and its derivatives belong to the class of important anthraquinoid dyes, including laser and luminescent dyes. Current work is ...
Behaviour of neutron irradiated beryllium during temperature excursions up to and beyond its melting temperature
Abstract Beryllium pebble behaviour has been studied regarding the accidental operation conditions of tritium breeding blanket of fusion reactors. Structure evolution, oxidation and thermal properties have been compared for nonirradiated and neutron irradiated beryllium pebbles during thermal treatment in a temperature range from ambient temperature to 1600 K. For neutron irradiated pebbles tritium release process was studied. Methods of temperature programmed tritium desorption (TPD) in combination with thermogravimetry (TG) and temperature differential analysis (TDA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in combination with Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) have been used. It was found…