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Influenza di diverse modalità di allevamento sul ritmo di sviluppo dell'Archontophoenix cunninghamiana H.A. Wendl.& Drude.
Il ruolo della BCE nel complesso equilibrio tra tecnica e politica
Il lavoro affronta il tema della compatibilità delle misure non convenzionali introdotte e/o solo annunciate dalla BCE con la disciplina disegnata dai Trattati e su cui la Corte di giustizia si é pronunciata in varie occasioni, ma anche quello di comprendere quali possano essere i contrappesi in termini di controllo e di accountability a fronte di scelte non meramente tecniche pur mantenendo fermo il principio dell'indipendenza dell'organo in questi The work addresses the issue of the compatibility of the unconventional measures introduced and / or only announced by the ECB with the discipline drawn up by the Treaties and on which the Court of Justice has ruled on various occasions, but als…
Adrenal incidentaloma: case report and synthesis of indication and thresholds of surgery therapy].
With the term of incidental mass, any mass is identified, occasionally discovered with imaging techniques, in the absence of specific symptoms. In 1982, the term "incidentaloma" was introduced to indicate lesions detected on adrenal regions, found unexpectedly. The incidence percentages vary from 0.6%-3% in CT followed by other indications , to 10% and 25% in all patients who underwent an ultrasound, CT or MRI. An appropriate diagnostic protocol is mandatory to identify and to choose the proper treatment for the functioning lesions, as well as the malignant or potentially malignant lesions (1, 2). Incidentalomas with diameters under 1 cm seem to not have a pathologic significance, and are c…
Obbligo vaccinale e discrezionalità legislativa a proposito delle ordinanze CGARS nn.38 e 351 del 2022
The paper deals with two ordinances of the CGARS on the subject of vaccination obligation, retracing the events that first led to the preliminary order no. 38/2022 and then to the reasoned order for referral to the constitutional court.
Fake news and infodemia at the time of covid-19
The essay has as its object fake news and excess of pieces of information with particular attention to the pandemic emergency we are currently living: COVID-19. After a careful consideration about what fake news actually are, the paper analyzes the pitfalls concerning the communication through virtual technologies, where social networks let the news reach the user only if they pass some requirements, in order to give the user a personalized experience of being informed. As a result, the profiling process traps the user in a cage, which is a paradox, because the internet it’s literally supposed to be without borders and barriers. The current crisis caused by the global pandemic has brought t…