Pace U
Predictors of internalizing problems in preadolescence: a longitudinal study
Autonomy and intimacy toward parents in adolescent girls: the relation with empathic concern and psychological well-being
Autonomy and separation from parents as predictive factors of behavioural risk during adolescence
Individuality and intimacy: The case of detached and connected adolescents
Relazioni genitori-figli: differenze individuali nella connessione e nell'autonomia in adolescenza.
Appartenenza etnica e stereotipi in Sicilia: l’influenza indotta dallo stereotipo sulle prestazioni scolastiche e sull’autovalutazione dei bambini immigrati
The joint effect of parental and peer support on development of adolescent's emotional autonomy and adjustment
La valutazione del processo di separazione-individuazione in adolescenza
The role played by emotional support from parents and peers in the emotional autonomy development during adolescence
Is Sensation Seeking Linked Only to Personality Traits? The Role of Quality of Attachment in the Development of Sensation Seeking among Italian Adolescents: A Longitudinal Perspective
Considering sensation seeking as a personality trait has led to the driving of a series of studies on the biological and temperamental characteristics of sensation seekers. Conversely, from a bio-psychosocial perspective, personality factors are believed to account for about half of the likelihood that an individual will engage in disadaptive and dangerous actions, whereas environmental factors, such as primary relationships, interact with the person’s biology and affect the extent to which genetic factors exert their influence. On the light of these considerations, the present study explored the unique and common contributions of temperament and quality of attachment measured from 15 years…