Sciortino Maria Grazia

La mia casa è il mio Paradiso. Note su alcuni racconti di Aḥmad Bašīr al-'Ayla

Aḥmad Bašīr al-'Ayla is one of the most prolific and versatile author of Contemporary Palestinian literary landscape. Although he is probably best known for his long poetic career, he is also a journalist, a novelist, a script editor, a radio producer and a short story writer. In 2016 he published his first collection of short stories entitled Al-ḥabl allaḏī tadallā min al-samā’ (The rope hanging from the sky). The stories included in this work are mainly set in Bengazi, which is the city where the author lives since he was a child, and they focus on the tragedy of war and its disasters, first of all the loss and distruction of houses and buildings. In such a tragic context the concept of “…

research product

La corda calata dal cielo: l’importanza del dettaglio nell’esperienza narrativa di Aḥmad Bašīr al-‘Aylah

Aḥmad Bašīr al-‘Aylah is one of the most prolific and versatile authors of Contemporary Palestinian literary landscape. He is probably best known for his poetical collections, but he is also a journalist, a novelist, a script editor, a radio producer and a short story writer. In 2016 he published his first short story collection entitled Al-ḥabl allaḏī tadallà min al-samā’ (The rope hanging from the sky), that has never been translated into European languages. The stories included in this work are mainly set in Benghazi, which is the city where the author lives since he was a child, and they focus on the tragedy of war and its disasters, first of all the loss and destruction of houses and b…

research product

Ansie ed inquietudini di un ḥāǧǧ marginino del XVII secolo: Abū Sālim al-'Ayyāšī (1628-1679)

This study aims at examining some extracts of a 17th century rihla written by the well-known maghribi author Abu Salim al-'Ayyashi, with a special attention to the anxieties and inquietudes of the author as a paradigm for all the coeval travelers who used to undertake their pilgrimage to Mecca.

research product

Raccontare e raccontarsi al di là dei "limiti": "Ṣamt al-nawāqīs" di Fatḥiyya Dabiš

Fatḥiyya Dabiš is a Tunisian novelist, poet, short story writer, translator and literary critic who was born in Mareth in 1969. She is best known for her debut novel, entitled “Mīlānīn” (Melanin) and published in 2019, which won the 6th edition (2020) of the prestigious “Katara Prize for Arabic Novel” (Ğā’izat Katārā li’l-riwāya al-‘arabiyya) in the category “Published Novels” (Fi’at al-riwāyāt al-manšūra). The present article focuses on her collection “Ṣamt al-nawāqīs” (The Silence of the Bells), which is a hybrid narrative work (mağmū‘a qiṣaṣiyya sardiyya hağīna) published in 2018. As the writer clarifies in the Introduction, it is not simply a short story collection but rather a selectio…

research product

L'Infedele / Ali Bader

L'Infedele è la storia di Fatima-Sophie, una giovane donna che vive a Bruxelles ma proviene da un imprecisato villaggio arabo situato ai bordi del deserto, dove la vita è segnata da numerosi episodi di sopraffazione maschilista e di fanatismo religioso. A Bruxelles inizia la vita "europea" della protagonista, che incontra Adrian, un giovane scandinavo, con alle spalle un passato assai misterioso. Alla fine l'incontro tra Sophie e Adrian finirà con l'essere una sorta di resa dei conti non solo di carattere personale, ma anche delle rispettive culture.

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