Díaz-llopis M
Crystalline subtype of pre-descemetic corneal dystrophy.
Purpose: To report corneal findings in a familial case of the crystalline subtype of pre- Descemetic corneal dystrophy. Case Report: A 19-year-old girl and her 44-year-old mother were found to have asymptomatic, bilateral, punctiform and multi-colored crystalline opacities across the whole posterior layer of the corneas. Endothelial specular microscopy revealed the presence of white round flecks located at different levels anterior to the endothelium. No systemic abnormalities or medications could be related to account for these findings. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the third familial report of this rare corneal disorder. Differential diagnosis may include Schnyder cor…
Fuch's heterochromic cyclitis and HLA histocompatibility antigens
Genetic typing of class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens (HLA-A, -B and -C) was performed in 22 patients with Fuch's heterochromic cyclitis (FHC) and in a control group of 339 healthy subjects in order to ascertain whether there are any genetic factors that protect against or increase the risk of developing this disease. The frequency of only one HLA-antigen was found to differ significantly in the patients with FHC as compared with the normal subjects: HLA-A2 had a negative association with FHC (9.09% in FHC versus 47.47% in the control group; p<0.01, Fisher's exact test with correction for the number of antigens studied) with an odds ratio of 0.11 (95% confidence limits 0…