S. Silenzi

Investigation of marine and continental layers in a stalactite older than 1 million years (Custonaci, north-western sector of Sicily)

Questo lavoro si basa sul ritrovamento, in una grotta carsica, a 100 metri di quota a Custonaci in provincia di Trapani, di una stalattite di notevole interesse paleo climatico, ricoperta da coralli marini, la cui sezione rivela la presenza di 3 Iatus che denotano una interruzione della deposizione di carbonato continentale presumibilmente in seguito a trasgressioni marine. Il carbonato, datato attraverso la metodologia 230Th/U MC-ICPMS (NeptunePlus), ha fornito una età più antica del limite temporale massimo di applicabilità del metodo ( 600 ka). I coralli, che ricoprono il livello continentale più giovane, analizzati usando il rapporto 87Sr/86Sr, hanno fornito una età di 1.1±0.2 Myrs. Al…

research product

Elevation of the last interglacial highstand in Sicily (Italy): A benchmark of coastal tectonics

Well-preserved MIS 5.5 terraces in Sicily are identified primarily by the index fossil Strombus bubonius, and dated by amino acid racemization (AAR), electron spin resonance (ESR), Uranium/Thorium (U/Th) and thermo luminescence (TL) methods. This review of published data and new results for the island of Sicily and neighbouring small islands of Egadi, Ustica and Lampedusa identifies areas of rapid uplift in the east (up to +175 m, elevation above sea level), slower uplift in the north (+29 m), and relative stability in the northwest (+2/+18 m). In contrast, about 250 km of the southern coastline of Sicily does not appear to contain MIS 5.5 outcrops. In eastern Sicily, correlation of MIS 5.5…

research product

Sea level rise in the Mediterranean Sea: High resolution constraints from vermetid reefs

The Mediterranean Sea (MS), is extremely sensitive to rising sea-levels (SL) as attested by drowned archeological remains from the Roman Period [2]. Due to the absence of coral reefs, evidence for recent and Holocene SL change has so far mainly been restricted to coastal cores [1] archeological remains [2] and submerged speleothem deposits. Vermetid reefs are an extremely sensitive high resolution carbonate archive [3,4] and they are mainly formed in the lower intertidal zone by gregarious and sessile gastropods belonging to the genus Dendropoma (family Vermetidae). Since their interval of growth is restricted to the tidal zone, they can be used as precise SL proxies (about ±0.1 m in low ra…

research product