Antonio Sanfilippo
L'idrochinesiterapia nel recupero dell'arto superiore dopo allungamento dei flessori del gomito e asportazione di paraosteoartropatia di spalla in soggetto spatico. Nostra Esperienza
La spasticità, oltre a determinare alterazioni dei fisiologici schemi di movimento, siaccompagna a complicanze musoclo- scheletriche per le quali spesso si ricorre all'intervento chirurgico. La riabilitazione, partendo da un'accurata valutazione pre e postoperatoria del malato, da un lato mira al recupero e al mantenimento dell'articolarità, dall'altro al ripristino della motilità volontaria e della destrezza dei movimenti. L'idrochinesiterapia offre evidenti vantaggi nel trattamento di questi soggetti. In questo lavoro si espone la nostra esperienza su un paziente di 38 anni con esiti di trauma cranio-encefalico sottoposto dapprima ad intervento chirurgico sull'arto superiore ed in seguito…
Introduction: Crohn's disease (CD) is a form of inflammatory bowel disease, which may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus, causing a wide variety of symptoms. The arthritis is counted as the worst side effect of CD. The orthopaedic manifestations of CD are: peripheral arthritis, spondylitis, sacroiliitis. Material and Method: The authors evaluated the orthopedic clinical manifestation in Sicilian group of forty-five patients with Crohn's disease. Every patients are analyzed with clinical exams, laboratory data, radiographic exams. In addition, all patients were screened for the presence of the antigen HLA B27. Result: Arthritis occurred in 8 patients (17,7 %). P…
The treatment of wrist fractures with Epibloc System
BACKGROUND Fractures of the distal extremity of the radius are the most common bone lesions of the superior extremity of the body, representing 17% of the fractures treated in First Aid facilities. The restoration of anatomical relationships in the radiocarpal joint is considered to be a prerequisite for good functional recovery. There are numerous methods of treatment of these fractures. The Epibloc system is a percutaneous endomedullary synthesis alternative to the plaster cast in wrist fracture treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS The authors describe their experience with 81 fractures (63 type A2-3 fractures and 18 type C1) of the wrist treated with the Epibloc System (ES). The results were…
Neck Pain Rehabilitation
Neck pain is par excellence one of the most common disorders of the musculoskeletal system, second only to low back pain. It constitutes 40 % of all backache. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain of cervical origin coming from an area between the nuchal line and another imagi-nary line that passes through the lower end of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra and the sagittal plans tangent to the side edges of the neck. This definition considers therefore posterior pain which in turn can be divided into high pain, up to C3, and lower pain, down from C4. Also, as all diseases, it can be divided into acute and chronic neck pain, merely according…
Alfa-lipoic acid and superoxide dismutase in the management of chronic neck pain: a prospective randomized study
Background and Objective Since oxidative stress plays a pathogenetic role in chronic neck pain (CNP), we investigated whether a combination of α-lipoic acid (ALA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) might improve pain control and the efficacy of physiotherapy (“multimodal therapy”) in patients with CNP. Setting This study was conducted in the Rehabilitation Unit of the Department of Surgical and Oncological Sciences at the University Policlinic in Palermo, Italy. Design and Patients This was a prospective, randomized, open study in outpatients. Intervention Patients randomly received either physiotherapy alone (group 2; n = 45) or a combination of ALA 600 mg and SOD 140 IU daily in addition to p…
Monitoring of fracture calluses with color Doppler sonography.
Purpose Fracture callus formation is closely associated with vascular invasion, and the use of color Doppler sonography has been suggested as a means to monitor, earlier than gray-scale sonography, the first stages of the healing process. We report the findings in a series of patients with tibial fractures in whom both gray-scale sonography and color Doppler imaging were employed to monitor new bone formation at the fracture site. Methods Twenty patients with tibial fractures treated with external fixator frames were examined sonographically about 10 days after surgery and then about every 25 days until radiographic demonstration of consolidation. Results Eighteen of 20 patients had a well-…
Dupuytren contracture in diabetic hand
Dupuytren's disease (DD) is a fibroproliferative disorder of unknown origin causing palmar nodules and flexion contracture of the digits. About 5% of individuals with DD are diabetic, with an increased prevalence that is proportional to the duration of the diabetes. The association with diabetes mellitus is well recorded, with a reported prevalence of between 3% and 32%. This review considers the evidence behind the association between DD and diabetes mellitus, considering the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and therapies that can be found in the literature.
Intramuscular tramadol versus ketorolac in patients with orthopedic and traumatologic postoperative pain: a comparative multicenter trial
This 3-day, multicenter, open-label, randomized, controlled trial was undertaken to assess the postoperative analgesic effect and therapeutic safety of intramuscular tramadol compared with intramuscular ketorolac in 48 patients undergoing orthopedic surgery and having postoperative pain assessed as 75 mm or more on a 100-mm visual analogue scale. Tramadol (100 mg/2 mL ampules) was administered as needed to a maximum of 400 mg/d, and ketorolac (30 mg/1 mL ampules) was given as needed up to 90 mg/d. Nine patients who received tramadol and six who received ketorolac needed only one dose of medication to achieve satisfactory analgesia. Tramadol had a more pronounced analgesic effect than did ke…