Yaël Grosjean
Un récepteur olfactif détectant des odeurs de nourriture stimule la parade mâle chez la drosophile
National audience
Accelerated bang recovery in Drosophila genderblind mutants
International audience; Cystine-glutamate transporters import cystine into cells for glutathione synthesis and protection from oxidative stress, but also export significant amounts of glutamate. Increasing evidence suggests that 'ambient extracellular glutamate' secreted by cystine-glutamate transporters in the nervous system modulates glutamatergic synapse strength and behavior. To date, the only cystine-glutamate transporter mutants examined behaviorally are Drosophila genderblind mutants. These animals contain loss-of-function mutations in the 'genderblind' gene, which encodes an xCT subunit essential for cystine-glutamate transporter function. Genderblind was named based on a mutant cou…
A single mutation alters production and discrimination of Drosophila sex pheromones
0962-8452 (Print) Comparative Study Journal Article Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; The evolution of communication is a fundamental biological problem. The genetic control of the signal and its reception must be tightly coadapted, especially in inter-individual sexual communication. However, there is very little experimental evidence for tight genetic linkage connecting the emission of a signal and its reception. We found that a single genomic transposon inserted in the desatl gene of Drosophila melanogaster simultaneously affected the emission and the perception of sex-specific signals. This mutation greatly decreased the production of unsaturated hydrocarbons on the cuticle of mature fl…
Taste, movement, and death: varying effects of new prospero mutants during Drosophila development
0022-3034 (Print) Comparative Study Journal Article Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; The PGal4 transposon inserted upstream of the pan-neural gene prospero (pros) causes several neural and behavioral defects in the Voila(1) strain. The precise excision of the transposon simultaneously rescued all these defects whereas its unprecise excision created new pros(V) alleles, including the null allele pros(V17). Here, we describe the relationship between the genetic structure of pros locus, larval locomotion, and larval gustatory response. These two behaviors showed varying degrees of variation depending upon the pros allele. We also found a good relation between behavioral alteration, the level …
Direct sensing of nutrients via a lat1-like transporter in drosophila insulin-producing cells
Direct sensing of nutrients via a lat1-like transporter in drosophila insulin-producing cells. 16. european neurobiology of drosophila conference