J. S. Kotiaho
Testing theories of sexual selection in decorated crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus)
Question: Do females choose males according to their level of acoustic sexual activity, fluctuating asymmetry, size, condition or do they select for genetic compatibility according to relatedness? What are the relative strengths of selection on these traits and what might be the benefit of the choice – large nuptial gifts, heritable attractiveness or quality? Organism: Laboratory colony of decorated crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus). Methods: Behavioural trial of female preference on male traits, multivariate logistic regression of male traits on female preference, and heritability estimation of the traits with an animal model. Results: Female attraction strongly discriminated in favour of ce…
Data from: The benefits of interpopulation hybridization diminish with increasing divergence of small populations
Interpopulation hybridization can increase the viability of small populations suffering from inbreeding and genetic drift, but it can also result in outbreeding depression. The outcome of hybridization can depend on various factors, including the level of genetic divergence between the populations, and the number of source populations. Furthermore, the effects of hybridization can change between generations following the hybridization. We studied the effects of population divergence (low vs. high level of divergence) and the number of source populations (two vs. four source populations) on the viability of hybrid populations using experimental Drosophila littoralis populations. Population v…