Ralph J. Greenspan

Genetic feminization of pheromones and its behavioral consequences in Drosophila males

0036-8075 (Print) Journal Article Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; Pheromones are intraspecific chemical signals important for mate attraction and discrimination. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, hydrocarbons on the cuticular surface of the animal are sexually dimorphic in both their occurrence and their effects: Female-specific molecules stimulate male sexual excitation, whereas the predominant male-specific molecule tends to inhibit male excitation. Complete feminization of the pheromone mixture produced by males was induced by targeted expression of the transformer gene in adult oenocytes (subcuticular abdominal cells) or by ubiquitous expression during early imaginal life. The…

research product

Genetic feminization of brain structures and changed sexual orientation in male Drosophila

0036-8075 (Print) Journal Article Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; The neural basis of sexual orientation in Drosophila was studied by the production of males with regionally feminized brains. Such flies express the female form of the sex determination gene transformer in a limited number of neurons under the control of GAL4 enhancer trap inserts. This method facilitated the creation of lines with a stable pattern of feminization. In tests of sexual preferences, flies that were feminized in a portion of the antennal lobes or in a subset of the corpora pedunculata (mushroom bodies) courted both males and females. These two brain structures, both of which are involved in olfactory processing…

research product