Anne Kristin Sortehaug Ajer
Enterprise Architecture in Hospitals: Resolving Incongruence Issues
Enterprise architecture operationalization and institutional pluralism: The case of the Norwegian Hospital sector
Enterprise architecture (EA) is a systematic way of designing, planning, and implementing process and technology changes to address the complexity of information system (IS) landscapes. EA is operationalized when architecture visions move towards realization through concrete projects. We report a case study on the dynamics of operationalizing EA in the Norwegian hospital sector by exploring different EA project trajectories. Our empirical context is an institutionally pluralistic setting where multiple logics coexist. We show that the distinct logic of EA is added to the institutional context and we find that tensions among existing medical, technical, and managerial logics and EA principle…
Enterprise Architecture in Healthcare and Underlying Institutional Logics: a Systematic Literature Review of IS Research
This paper reports on a systematic literature review of empirical studies in the information systems literature focusing on Enterprise Architecture (EA) in healthcare. 30 papers were selected for extended analysis. We utilized institutional logics as a theoretical lens and focused on the logics of IT professionalism, medical professionalism and managerialism. According to this lens, we identified three foci of interests. In addition, we utilized the institutional level as an analytical dimension. The logics of IT professionals and the purpose of organizational implications of EA were dominating. Generally, there is a need for more in-depth understanding for all logics, however, the logics o…
Enterprise System Implementation in a Franchise Context: An Action Case Study
Abstract This research paper reports on a study focusing on a franchise relationship that utilizes an enterprise system (ES) to optimize its supply chain. The ES is in its post-implementation phase; however, the franchisee has challenges with inventory management due to poor data quality, which causes problems with vendor analysis and revenue control. An action case study was carried out to identify and diagnose the source of the problem, and interventions were implemented and evaluated. The findings demonstrate that several of the challenges related to poor data quality in the supply chain were influenced by problems of a socio-technical character. These included a lack of understanding of…
Sentrale utfordringer ved ERP postimplementering: en action casestudie i en franchisesammenheng
Masteroppgave informasjonssystemer- Universitetet i Agder, 2014 Dette er en masteroppgave i informasjonssystemer (IS) ved Universitetet i Agder. Hensikten med oppgaven er faglig fordypning, samtidig som en skal lære å anvende teoretisk kunnskap og vitenskapelige metoder. Sønstebøtunet AS er en bedrift innen detaljhandel som er lokalisert i Bø i Telemark. De har franchiseavtaler med flere ledende kjeder. Siste tilskudd til bedriften er oppkjøp av en etablert G-Sport butikk i Bø, med flytting og nyåpning høsten 2012. I sportsbutikken er det store utfordringer med datakvaliteten på varelageret, noe som skaper problemer både for butikkens eiere og kjedens hovedkontor i forhold til leverandørana…
Institutional perspective on introducing enterprise architecture : The case of the Norwegian hospital sector
Paper I, II, and III are not available as a part of the dissertation due to the copyright. The findings from this thesis point to the incongruence between the characteristics of EA and the healthcare domain as specific tensions among the EA logic and different professional logics as a source of deviation. The incongruence comes from the long-term plan-driven EA approach versus healthcare traditions and needs for ad-hoc initiatives. Other themes stem from the EA logic of process standardisation, which poses challenges in gaining acceptance and trust that the processes dinscribe appropriate clinical knowledge and provide support for local variations. Moreover, the EA vision of data integratio…