Inesa Barmina

Improvement of Biomass Gasification/Combustion Characteristics by Microwave Pretreatment of Biomass Pellets

research product

The Influence of the Electric Field on the Development of the Swirling Flame Velocity Field and Combustion Characteristics

research product

Electric Field Effect on the Thermal Decomposition and Co-combustion of Straw with Solid Fuel Pellets

The aim of this study was to provide more effective use of straw for energy production by co-firing wheat straw pellets with solid fuels (wood, peat pellets) under additional electric control of the combustion characteristics at thermo-chemical conversion of fuel mixtures. Effects of the DC electric field on the main combustion characteristics were studied experimentally using a fixed-bed experimental setup with a heat output up to 4 kW. An axisymmetric electric field was applied to the flame base between the positively charged electrode and the grounded wall of the combustion chamber. The experimental study includes local measurements of the composition of the gasification gas, flame tempe…

research product

Gasification of pelletized renewable fuel for clean energy production

Abstract The main aim of the study was to develop and investigate a small-scale experimental gasification technique for the effective thermal decomposition of pelletized renewable fuels (wood sawdust, wheat straw). The technical solution of the biomass gasifier for gasification of renewable fuels presents a downdraft gasifier with controllable additional heat energy supply to the biomass using the radial propane flame injection into the bottom part of the biomass layer. From the kinetic study of the mass conversion rate of pelletized biomass and variations of the composition of produced gas it is concluded that the process of biomass gasification is strongly influenced by the amount of addi…

research product

Magnetic Field Control of Combustion Dynamics

Abstract Experimental studies and mathematical modelling of the effects of magnetic field on combustion dynamics at thermo-chemical conversion of biomass are carried out with the aim of providing control of the processes developing in the reaction zone of swirling flame. The joint research of the magnetic field effect on the combustion dynamics includes the estimation of this effect on the formation of the swirling flame dynamics, flame temperature and composition, providing analysis of the magnetic field effects on the flame characteristics. The results of experiments have shown that the magnetic field exerts the influence on the flow velocity components by enhancing a swirl motion in the …

research product

The Effect of Combustion Dynamics on the Formation of Pollutant Emissions by Co-Firing the Wood Biomass with Gaseous Fuel

research product

Influence of mw pretreatment on main gasification/combustion characteristics of different types of biomass

research product

The Effect of Electric Field Configuration on the Thermo-Chemical Conversion of Straw Pellets

Abstract With the aim to control and improve the thermo-chemical conversion of straw pellets, the experimental investigations of the DC electric field effect on the combustion dynamics and heat energy production were made. The electric field effect on the gasification/combustion characteristics was studied using three different positions of the positively charged electrode in flame. First, the electrode was positioned coaxially downstream the flame flow. Next, the electrode was positioned coaxially upstream the flame flow and, finally, the electrode was positioned across the downstream flow. The bias voltage of the electrode varied in the range from 0.6 up to 1.8 kV, while the ion current i…

research product

Control of the Development of Swirling Airflow Dynamics and Its Impact on Biomass Combustion Characteristics

Abstract The development of the swirling flame flow field and gasification/ combustion dynamics at thermo-chemical conversion of biomass pellets has experimentally been studied using a pilot device, which combines a biomass gasifier and combustor by varying the inlet conditions of the fuel-air mixture into the combustor. Experimental modelling of the formation of the cold nonreacting swirling airflow field above the inlet nozzle of the combustor and the upstream flow formation below the inlet nozzle has been carried out to assess the influence of the inlet nozzle diameter, as well primary and secondary air supply rates on the upstream flow formation and air swirl intensity, which is highly …

research product

Electrodynamic Control of the Combustion Characteristics and Heat Energy Production

ABSTRACTElectric field effects (EFE) on combustion characteristics, heat energy production, and composition of polluting emissions have been investigated experimentally for different types of fuels (natural gas, biomass) providing experimental study of the EFE in a district heating boiler and complex modeling experiments in a small-scale pilot device. The DC field-induced variations of the produced heat energy, efficiency of heat energy production, flame characteristics, and the composition of polluting emissions have been studied for a positively biased axially inserted electrode and negatively biased (grounded) heat surfaces by varying the applied DC voltage, net current, and consumed ele…

research product

Influence of electric field on thermo-chemical conversion of mixtures of straw pellets with coal

research product

Electrodynamic control of straw co-firing with propane

research product

The effects of biomass co-gasification and co-firing on the development of combustion dynamics

Abstract Effects of wheat straw co-firing with gas (propane flame) and co-gasification/co-combustion with wood pellets on the development of thermo-chemical conversion of biomass pellets and on heat energy production were experimentally studied and analyzed with the aim to improve the gasification/combustion characteristics and the applicability of wheat straw as an alternative energy source for cleaner heat energy production. The results suggest that the wheat straw co-firing with propane provides an enhanced thermal decomposition of pellets with more complete combustion of volatiles increasing thus the heat output at thermo-chemical conversion of wheat straw and the produced heat energy p…

research product

Active Electric Control of Emissions from Swirling Combustion

research product

Mathematical modelling and experimental study of straw co-firing with gas

The main goal of the present study is to promote a more effective use of agriculture residues (straw) as an alternative renewable fuel for cleaner energy production with reduced greenhouse gas emissions. With the aim to improve the main combustion characteristics at thermo-chemical conversion of wheat straw, complex experimental study and mathematical modelling of the processes developing when co-firing wheat straw pellets with a gaseous fuel were carried out. The effect of co-firing on the main gasification and combustion characteristics was studied experimentally by varying the propane supply and additional heat input into the pilot device, along with the estimation of the effect of co-firing on…

research product

Influence of Biomass Combustion Products on Element Content and Thermal Stability of Latvian Sheep Breed Wool Filter Fibres

Sheep wool is natural, easy obtainable, renewable and biodegradable material with a perspective application as a sorbent in filters for purification of industrial emissions from various environmental pollutants. The element content and thermal stability of Latvian dark-headed sheep wool filter fibres was analysed and described before and after exposure to biomass combustion products. Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that the sheep wool filter fibres can sorb various gaseous combustion products, such as carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), however, the sorption processes of these gases are irreversible. The obtained results of total reflection X…

research product

Development of Biomass and Gas Cofiring Technology to Reduce Greenhouse Gaseous Emissions

research product