Isabel Balaguer-solá

Efecto de intervenciones de psicología positiva y ejercicio físico en el bienestar y malestar psicológico de estudiantes universitarios/Effect Of Positive Psychology And Exercise Interventions On College Students’ Psychological Well-Being And Ill-Being

EspañolEl propósito de este estudio fue analizar el efecto de intervenciones de Psicología positiva y de ejercicio físico sobre indicadores de bienestar y malestar psicológico en estudiantes universitarios costarricenses. Se realizó una investigación cuasiexperimental, de diseño factorial (4 x 2) con mediciones pre y post, en el que 233 estudiantes universitarios (18.97 ± 2.18 años, 135 mujeres, 98 hombres) se vieron expuestos a una de cuatro diferentes condiciones: intervenciones de psicología positiva (PP), intervenciones de ejercicio físico (E), intervenciones combinadas de PP y E y control (C). Se midieron indicadores de bienestar y malestar psicológico. Las intervenciones de Psicología…

research product

Eating habits, physical activity, consumption of substances and eating disorders in adolescents.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences between adolescents with a high or low risk of developing an eating disorder (ED) in different health behaviors (eating habits, physical activity and the consumption of substances) per gender. The EAT-40 and the Inventory of Behavioral Health in Scholars were applied to 2142 middle school students from Alicante (Spain), of whom 52.8% were girls and 47.2% were boys, with an average age of 13.92 years old (Sd = 1.34). Results indicated that girls with a high risk of developing an ED consumed fewer meals, ate fewer unhealthy foods, followed more diets and paid more attention to nutritional components. Furthermore, they also performed more p…

research product