Eric P. Verrecchia

Microbial origin for pedogenic micrite associated with a carbonate paleosol (Champagne, France)

Abstract Micro-rods have been observed in indurated carbonate horizons (30 cm thick) that overlie a periglacial chalk formation, in contact with the present-day soil (Champagne, France). They are numerous in the upper part of the hardened layers. Variations in micro-rod morphologies are related to progressive biomineralization of organic matter, transforming purely organic rods into calcite. Mineralized rods undergo diagenesis and their arrangement evolves from a random mesh fabric to recrystallized micritic platelets to microsparite. Two types of organic micro-rods have been observed: bacilliform and thread-like bacteria. Mineralogically, micro-rods are low-magnesian calcite. Crystallograp…

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Geometric Measurement Analysis Versus Fourier Series Analysis for Shape Characterization Using the Gastropod Shell (Trivia) as an Example

Varied and efficient methods have been developed to describe and quantify natural objects. The most common ones use superimposition techniques (e.g. Procrustes methods; Bookstein, 1991), decomposition into harmonics (Fourier series and functions, wavelets; Anstey and Delmet, 1973; Christopher and Waters, 1974; Gevirtz, 1976; Lestrel, 1997; Toubin and others, 1999; Verrecchia, Van Grootel, and Guillemet, 1996; Younger and Ehrlich, 1977), analysis of spiral functions (e.g. Raup parameters; Raup, 1961, 1966; Tursch, 1998), and combinations of parameters from elementary geometry (e.g. circularity index, lengthening; Coster and Chermant, 1989; Schmidt-Kittler, 1986; Viriot, Chaline, and Schaaf, …

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Biogeochemical Cycle of Silica in an Apolyhaline Interdunal Holocene Lake (Chad, N'Guigmi Region, Niger)

During the Holocene, the apolyhaline conditions in interdunal ephemeral lakes in the Lake Chad region led to various diagenetic processes, which resulted in: (a) clay authigenesis, (b) organic matter lithification (plants and cyanobacterial mats), (c) precipitation of sodium silicate (magadiite, kenyaite, zeolite), and (d) chert neoformation. Each step in this diagenetic process involves silica, which can be highly mobile under such conditions. Therefore, the paleoenvironmental variations can be investigated using the Si cycle.http://link.springer. de/link/service/journals/00114/bibs/9086010/90860475.htm</HEA

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Characterization of the 3D information of Calyptogena shells

We propose in this paper an application of multiresolution analysis techniques to extract information contained in the growth increments of a bivalve mollusk called: Calyptogena . The first stage consists in extracting a range image of the mollusk’s shell using a 3-D scanner. Applying a multiresolution analysis enables us to localize precisely those growth increments by preserving relevant details. Moreover, interesting spatial and frequency properties of the multiresolution analysis underline information contained on the shell. Intra-individual variation and inter-individual variations are compared to assume some conclusions as for the ontogenetic evolution of the animal such as periodicit…

research product

The unusual hydrodynamical behaviour of freshwater oncolites

Algal concretions are frequent in calcareous environments, occuring as individual particles (oncolites) that are easily transported during floods. Several parameters have been measured and calculated for a population of 127 particles from French streams. These oncolites have a high porosity (mean 42.7%) and a low density (mean 1.65), in respect to quartz and calcite. Oncolites have a settling velocity 1.5 times lower than that of quartz grains with the same nominal diameter. The computation of multiple correlations results in a classification in terms of decreasing efficiency: shape coefficients (Corey, ψ, and SI of Sneed and Folk), nominal diameter, density, edge sharpness and roughness. A…

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Fungi and Sediments

Fungi are saprophytic organisms that can form lichens in symbiosis with an alga. Along with lichens, they excrete large quantities of organic acids, contributing to rock dissolution and neoformation of crystals, mainly oxalates and carbonates. Fungi contribute to the accumulation of manganese and iron as desert varnish and play a major role in the calcium cycle inside calcretes and carbonate soils in arid zones. Fungi constitute an important part of calcified filaments found in calcretes. They are covered with calcium oxalate crystals, which can transform into calcite during early diagenesis. They can also precipitate needle-fiber calcite, a common form of CaCO3 found in soils and calcretes…

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&lt;title&gt;Multiresolution description of range images through 2D quincunx wavelet analysis&lt;/title&gt;

In this paper, we present a method for performing a multi- scale analysis on range images by using the wavelet transform, that is capable of revealing multi-resolution information. An accurate non-contact optical system based upon laser triangulation is used to determine the depth information of the object being scanned. The resulting range image is treated as a gray-level image by using a multi- resolution approach based on the generalization of the cascade algorithm using the quincunx wavelet transform. The quincunx wavelet assures very fine analysis. This method allows reconstruction of non-subsampled images that correspond to decompositions previously done at chosen scales. Multi-resolu…

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A biogeochemical model for chalk alteration by fungi in semiarid environments

Fungal filaments are the most abundant organic features in weathered profiles developed on chalky limestone ("platy calcrete"). Their activity affects the mineral dynamics of the pore/carbonate microsystem. A theoretical biogeochemical model is proposed to describe the Ca-oxalate-carbonate cycle related to fungal activity in dry environments.

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Discovery of Ca oxalate crystals associated with fungi in moss travertines (Bryoherms, freshwater heterogeneous stromatolites)

Buffered decalcification of live moss and liverwort (Hepaticae) travertines resulted in the release of a large number of organisms (bacteria, cyanobacteria, fungi, eukaryotic algae, and small animals), which constitute an “organic mat”; (also called an algal mat or biofilm). This mat is calcified and commonly has laminations, allowing moss travertines to be considered as stromatolitic structures. After decalcification of 300 samples of travertines (using dilute acetic acid), only 9 released Ca oxalate crystals in the form of needle bundles, spherulites, and tetragonal bipyramidal prisms. These crystalline forms are identical to those found in some phanerophytes and soils. Mycelian filaments…

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Calcitic radial palisadic fabric in freshwater stromatolites: diagenetic and recrystallized feature or physicochemical sinter crust?

Abstract When favorable conditions occur for carbonate precipitation (physicochemical processes) in tufas and travertines, organisms intervene either directly (the framework created by organisms acts as a crystal support) or indirectly (organic products influencing the mineralogy, nucleation, growth and habit of primary crystals). In the literature, fluvial and travertine crystalline sparite crusts with palisadic or prismatic crystals are generally interpreted as the result of early recrystallization of micrite in algal buildups (mostly composed of Schizothrix). Therefore, biological mediation is essential for the construction of continental bioherms and biostromes, even if organic remains …

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Multiscale analysis of range image: its use for growth increment characterization

A new image-processing approach for object analysis in life and earth sciences is presented. This approach is based on a multireso- lution algorithm in image processing. A clamshell surface has been digi- tized using a noncontact optical sensor based on laser triangulation. The 3-D surface obtained constitutes an image that can be characterized by multiresolution analysis. The application of this method to the study of a bivalve shell surface (Unio sp., Recent Atlantic, Holocene) allowed the various growth increments and their potential relationship with environ- mental constraints to be measured. The algorithm used in this paper is based on the wavelet transform theory. © 1999 Society of P…

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Classification of Chitinozoa (Llandoverian, Canada) Using Image Analysis

Chitinozoa (Llandoverian, Canada) were studied using image analysis. After digitalization of the objects, shape parameters were calculated. The boundary of each fossil was then traced by a vector centred at the centroid for Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Results of the two methods were used as variables in a hierarchical cluster analysis in order to group the samples. These results show that Chitinozoa can be significantly classified in terms of taxa using independent shape parameters obtained by image analysis.

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A classification of rhizogenic (root-formed) calcretes, with examples from the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous of Spain and Upper Cretaceous of southern France — Discussion

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Freshwater organisms that build stromatolites: a synopsis of biocrystallization by prokaryotic and eukaryotic algae

In freshwater environments such as river and stream bottoms, rocks and submerged vegetation are covered with a biological felt (also called a periphyton, microbial mat, biofilm, etc.) that is susceptible to calcification. Compilation of an extensive bibliography and our own observations have allowed the identification of 44 species of Coccogonophyceae, 122 Hormogonophyceae, 2 Chrysophyceae, 35 Chlorophyceae, 3 Xanthophyceae, 2 diatoms, and 3 Rhodophyceae that grow on calcareous tufa and coat vegetation. Diverse genera include species that are also calcified but impossible to determine because they lack reproductive organs. Crystals have been described from 74 species in the literature and w…

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Occurrence and Genesis of Palygorskite and Associated Clay Minerals in a Pleistocene Calcrete Complex, Sde Boqer, Negev Desert, Israel

AbstractPalygorskite and associated clay minerals have been studied in a Pleistocene calcrete complex from the Negev desert (Sde Boqer, Israel). This complex is divided into five main parts: the chalky and marly bedrock overlain by its weathered product, a brecciated calcrete hardpan; the laminar crust; loess pockets trapped in the calcrete; and the overlying soft surficial soil. The distribution of clay minerals is directly dependent on the position of the sample in the calcrete complex. Smectite is inherited from the bedrock in the calcrete with an aeolian enrichment in loess pockets and upper soft soil. The source of kaolinite is mainly detrital, related to desert dust. Illite is partly …

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Small scale secondary CaCO3 accumulations in selected sections of the European loess belt. Morphological forms and potential for paleoenvironmental reconstruction

Eighteen important Quaternary loess paleosoil sites have been studied across the European loess belt. They included approximately 50 buried soils, the over and/or underlying loess and the present-day surface soils (where possible). From the numerous types of secondary CaCO3 accumulations recognized, only the small scale accumulations are discussed in this paper, including calcified root cells, CaCO3 hypocoatings, needle-fiber calcite, powdery calcite coatings, earthworm biospheroliths, and calcite pseudomorphs on gypsum. Most of the features studied are found in the rhizosphere microecosystem. Each of these features showed a unique relationship with organic matter, micro-organism and plant …

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The natural hydrous sodium silicates from the northern bank of Lake Chad : occurrence, petrology and genesis

Abstract Hydrous sodium silicates sometimes associated with zeolites, form in an alkaline environment, in which there is a high concentration of dissolved silica. Such an environment existed during the Holocene in N'Guigmi interdunal depressions (Lake Chad), which led to the precipitation of various types of hydrous sodium silicates, including magadiite, kenyaite, and zeolites. Scanning electron and optical microscope observations allow several microstructures to be distinguished. These microstructures result from either precipitation sequences or a transformation along a diagenetic gradient. New petrological, microstructural and geochemical data confirm the transformation of magadiite into…

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Morphometry of microstromatolites in calcrete laminar crusts and a fractal model of their growth

The laminar crust, constituting the upper part of calcretes (terrestrial CaCO3 accumulations inside surficial sediments), is a succession of thin layers of various colors and shapes resembling micro-stromatolites. The crust structure and its diagenetic evolution are similar to stromatolites. A quantitative study of its structure was made using image analysis. Euclidian parameters were calculated to describe lamina shape. Eight hundred and eighty-six laminae were divided into six classes from the flatest forms to columnar shapes. The geometrical relationships between the shapes are interpreted as steps in the growth process of the microstromatolite. A fractal model of laminar crust growth wa…

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Spherulites in Calcrete Laminar Crusts: Biogenic CACO3 Precipitation as a Major Contributor to Crust Formation

ABSTRACT Spherulites (calcitic fibro-radial spherulitic polycrystals) are a major component of calcite layers in Quaternary calcrete laminar crusts. To explain the formation of spherulites, petrographic and chemical studies were performed on Pleistocene calcrete laminar crusts, Holocene biological crusts, and laboratory (in vitro) cultures of cyanobacterial strains. Spherulites were found to be formed of acicular and radiating crystals, either smooth and regular-edged, or twisted and irregular-edged. Spherulites were composed of low-Mg calcite, the concentration of Mg in the spherulites increasing from nucleus to periphery. The shape and chemistry of the in vitro spherulites and laminar cru…

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Multi-scale analysis of shell growth increments using wavelet transform

Abstract Shell increments contain information related to the evolution of the environment in which the organism grew during its biomineralization. To extract the information from variations in shell topography, a new and promising technique is presented, involving multi-scale analysis of the shell topography using a B-spline wavelet transform. An accurate non-contact optical system, based on laser triangulation, is used to map the shell surface. The resulting range image is treated as a grey-level image by using a multi-resolution approach based on the generalization of the cascade algorithm. This method allows reconstruction of non-subsampled images that correspond to the projection onto t…

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