Daniel Volovici
Understanding Romanian Texts by Using Gamification Methods
Abstract In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the field of natural language processing. Determining which syntactic function is right for a specific word is an important task in this field, being useful for a variety of applications like understanding texts, automatic translation and question-answering applications and even in e-learning systems. In the Romanian language, this is an even harder task because of the complexity of the grammar. The present paper falls within the field of “Natural Language Processing”, but it also blends with other concepts such as “Gamification”, “Social Choice Theory” and “Wisdom of the Crowd”. There are two main purposes for developing the a…
On Hagelbarger’s and Shannon’s matching pennies playing machines
Abstract In the 1950s, Hagelbarger’s Sequence Extrapolating Robot (SEER) and Shannon’s Mind-Reading Machine (MRM) were the state-of-the-art research results in playing the well-known “matching pennies” game. In our research we perform a software implementation for both machines in order to test the common statement that MRM, even simpler, beats SEER. Also, we propose a simple contextual predictor (SCP) and use it to compete with SEER and MRM. As expected, experimental results proves the claimed MRM superiority over SEER and even the SCP’s superiority over both SEER and MRM. At the end, we draw some conclusions and propose further research ideas, like the use of mixing models methods and the…
Improving Karhunen-Loeve based transform coding by using square isometries
We propose, for an image compression system based on the Karhunen-Loeve transform implemented by neural networks, to take into consideration the 8 square isometries of an image block. The proper isometry applied puts the 8*8 square image block in a standard position, before applying the image block as input to the neural network architecture. The standard position is defined based on the variance of its four 4*4 sub-blocks (quadro partitioned) and brings the sub-block having the greatest variance in a specific corner and in another specific adjoining corner the sub-block having the second variance (if this is not possible the third is considered). The use of this "preprocessing" phase was e…
DBSCAN Algorithm for Document Clustering
Abstract Document clustering is a problem of automatically grouping similar document into categories based on some similarity metrics. Almost all available data, usually on the web, are unclassified so we need powerful clustering algorithms that work with these types of data. All common search engines return a list of pages relevant to the user query. This list needs to be generated fast and as correct as possible. For this type of problems, because the web pages are unclassified, we need powerful clustering algorithms. In this paper we present a clustering algorithm called DBSCAN – Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise – and its limitations on documents (or web pages)…
Unknown order process emulation
Approaches the emulation problem using feedforward neural networks of single input single output (SISO) processes, applying a backpropagation method with a higher convergence rate. In this kind of application, difficult problems appear when the system's order is a priori unknown. A search through the SISO processes space is proposed, aiming to find a favorable neural emulator over the training examples set.
MM-DSL, support for implementing modelling tools for manufacturing processes
Today’s competitive conditions call for detailed comparative analyzes of manufacturing processes in order to get competitive products. This analysis involves the development of faithful and robust models for the supervision and management of all organizational and operational activities of companies. Efficient modelling involves the selection and use of appropriate tools for modelling, simulation and analysis of manufacturing processes. The diversity of manufacturing processes often makes it necessary to implement specific modelling tools. MM-DSL is a platform independent language for specifying and implementing specific modelling tools. The core objective of the MM-DSL language is the impl…