Fernando O. Marques
Riedel-shear control on the development of pennant veins: Field example and analogue modelling
Abstract The wall rocks of a crustal scale sinistral ductile shear zone in Namibia, the Purros Mylonite Zone, contain two types of asymmetric quartz veins. Bedding surfaces contain sigmoidal quartz veins with limited thickness along their symmetry axes that can be classified as tension gashes. A second type of veins consists of a striated central fault vein separating pennant-type quartz filled terminations. The tips of these “pennant veins” have a different orientation to those of the tension gashes. Analogue experiments were carried out using a sheet of silicone powder suspended on a slab of poly-dimethyl-siloxane (PDMS), both deformed in simple shear. These experiments produced open frac…
Speculations on the impact of catastrophic subduction initiation on the Earth System
Abstract The physics of subduction initiation can be studied with numerical models of lithosphere dynamics, to the extent where we can now test the potential consequences of a catastrophic subduction initiation event on the Earth System. The South American Atlantic passive margin is here used to show that, once subduction has catastrophically initiated there, a major geodynamic reconfiguration of the South American plate (SAm) is likely to take place: (1) compression in the east will be inverted to extension, because ridge push will be replaced by subduction rollback and trench retreat; (2) compression in the west will be inverted to extension due to absolute rollback; and (3) without buttr…