Formal ontology and CAD integration with macro parametric approach
ABSTRACTThis paper discusses an ontological integration framework in the context of mereotopological formal ontology and CAD systems. Based on a comprehensive literature review of current design knowledge management and formal ontology research works, the authors propose the integration framework that can incorporate design knowledge with CAD systems. The primary role of mereotopology in this research work is the formal representation of design knowledge for the 3D solid assembly models. Most of the existing research works about design ontology present an abstract form and often require significant additional efforts to be integrated into CAD systems. Thus, this work introduces a formal ont…
Intégration proactive des métiers en conception et formalisation des connaissances spatio-temporelles associées : application à l'assemblage et à la fabrication additive couplée aux matériaux intelligents
A theoretical framework for product relationships description over space and time in integrated design
ABSTRACTThis paper presents a novel qualitative description theory in the context of integrated design, which here incorporates assembly sequence planning in the early product design stages (also called assembly oriented design – AOD). Based on a literature review of current AOD approaches, product models and mereotopology-based theories, the authors introduce a promising mereotopological theory which enables the formal product relationships description in integrated design by introducing an emerging framework, four-dimensionalism (i.e. perdurantism in philosophy). The proposed efforts aim at providing a concrete basis for describing the evolution of spatial entities (i.e. product parts) an…
Dynamic Design Intents Capture with Formal Ontology and Perdurants Object Concept for Collaborative Product Design
Loss of design intents and related information throughout the lifecycle of products are common. Capturing design intents of an assembly, which include a temporal (dynamic) stages, is even harder. This research work aims to enhance the spatiotemporal mereotopology (STM) based ontology in tune with the contemporary efforts in this research domain. The main idea with such STM ontology is to capture dynamic design intents and develop an integrated data translation framework from Computer Aided Design (CAD) system to a visualization system. This integration framework is intended to enhance design sharing in a collaborative environment. In this paper, the framework is demonstrated with a simple m…