Nikolaus F. Troje
Körperbildtherapie bei Essstörungen
Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Ein negatives Körperbild kann sich bei Essstörungen in einer Überschätzung der eigenen Körperdimensionen (perzeptive Komponente), negativen Gedanken und Gefühlen hinsichtlich des eigenen Körpers (kognitiv-affektive Komponente) sowie körperbezogenem Vermeidungs- und Kontrollverhalten (behaviorale Komponente) manifestieren. Fragestellung: Es soll überprüft werden, ob diese drei Komponenten eines gestörten Körperbildes durch ein kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutisches Körperbildtherapieprogramm verbessert werden können. Methode: 24 Essstörungspatientinnen wurden vor und nach einer zehn Sitzungen umfassenden Körperbildtherapie sowie nach einem dreimonatige…
Internal consistency predicts attractiveness in biological motion walkers
Abstract Why do some people appear attractive to us while others don't? Evolutionary psychology states that sexual attractiveness has evolved to assess the reproductive qualities of a potential mate. Past research in the field has identified a number of traits that can be linked directly to qualities such as immuno-competence, developmental stability, and fertility. The current study is motivated by the hypothesis that attractiveness is determined not just by individual, independent traits, but also by whether their pattern is internally consistent. Exploiting the domain of biological motion, we manipulated internal consistency between anthropometry and kinematics of a moving body. In two e…
Differences in the nature of body image disturbances between female obese individuals with versus without a comorbid binge eating disorder: an exploratory study including static and dynamic aspects of body image.
Various components of body image were measured to assess body image disturbances in patients with obesity. To overcome limitations of previous studies, a photo distortion technique and a biological motion distortion device were included to assess static and dynamic aspects of body image. Questionnaires assessed cognitive-affective aspects, bodily attitudes, and eating behavior. Patients with obesity and a binge eating disorder (OBE, n = 15) were compared with patients with obesity only (ONB; n = 15), to determine the nature of any differences in body image disturbances. Both groups had high levels of body image disturbances with cognitive-affective deficits. Binge eating disorder (BED) par…
Static and dynamic body image in bulimia nervosa: mental representation of body dimensions and biological motion patterns.
The aim of the present study was to find out whether in bulimia nervosa the perceptual component of a disturbed body image is restricted to the overestimation of one's own body dimensions (static body image) or can be extended to a misperception of one's own motion patterns (dynamic body image).Participants with bulimia nervosa (n = 30) and normal controls (n = 55) estimated their body dimensions by means of a photo distortion technique and their walking patterns using a biological motion distortion device.Not only did participants with bulimia nervosa overestimate their own body dimensions, but also they perceived their own motion patterns corresponding to a higher BMI than did controls. S…