Th. Völker
Heat and mass transfer phenomena in magnetic fluids
In this article the influence of a magnetic field on heat and mass transport phenomena in magnetic fluids (ferrofluids) will be discussed. The first section is dealing with a magnetically driven convection, the so called thermomagnetic convection while in the second section the influence of a temperature gradient on the mass transport, the Soret effect in ferrofluids, is reviewed. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Determination of the Soret coefficient of magnetic particles in a ferrofluid from the steady and unsteady part of the separation curve
Experiments on the particle separation in a vertical thermodiffusion column are used to investigate the separation (Soret effect) in ferrofluids. The use of a two-sectional column with internal walls of low thermal capacity allows analyzing the initial part of the unsteady separation curves as well as the steady state regime. The Soret coefficient calculated from the measurements of the separation dynamics agrees well with the one found from the steady separation limit reached in long-time experiments especially if the solutal buoyancy is low.