Bahador Makki

Non-fragile fuzzy control design for nonlinear time-delay systems

In this paper, a non-fragile fuzzy control design is proposed for a class of nonlinear systems with mixed discrete and distributed time delays. The Takagi and Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy set approach is applied to the modelling of the nonlinear dynamics, and a T-S fuzzy model is constructed, which can represent the nonlinear system. Then, based on the fuzzy linear model, a fuzzy linear controller is developed to stabilize the nonlinear system. The control law is obtained to ensure stochastically exponentially stability in the mean square. The sufficient conditions for the existence of such a control are proposed in terms of certain linear matrix inequalities.

research product

An Investigation of the Energy Consumption by Information Technology Equipments

The World Wide Web and the rise of servers and PC's data centers have become a major position in the overall power consumption of the world. In order to prevent global warming and ensuing disasters, already Internet-service providers, hosting providers on green power have changed. Even household energy suppliers offer green electricity from renewable energy such as wind , solar, biomass and hydro, which emits no carbon dioxide, to stand against global warming. Only a global change for the information technology can prevent the global -warming. The switch to renewable energy is the beginning of our future and must be pursued as well as the research and development in information and communic…

research product

A passivity approach to control of Markovian jump systems with mixed time-varying delays

This paper investigated the problem of control design for a class of stochastic systems with Markovian jump parameters and time-varying delays. For the model under consideration, a passivity-based approach is introduced for designing mode-dependent output feedback controllers with mixed discrete and distributed delays. A Lypunov-Krasovskii function (LKF) is defined to establish new required sufficient conditions for ensuring exponentially mean-square stability and the passivity criteria, simultaneously. Moreover, controller gains are calculated based on a convex optimization method by solving a Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI). Finally, simulation results are provided to illustrate the effect…

research product

The Impact of Integration of Instructional Systems Technology into Research and Educational Technology

This paper aims at presenting a review about instructional system technology integration in educational literature. Transitional periods of educational technology are discussed and principles of integration of instructional technology in educational technology are reviewed.

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