T. Hansen
The global cardiovascular risk transition: associations of four metabolic risk factors with national income, urbanization, and Western diet in 1980 and 2008
Background— It is commonly assumed that cardiovascular disease risk factors are associated with affluence and Westernization. We investigated the associations of body mass index (BMI), fasting plasma glucose, systolic blood pressure, and serum total cholesterol with national income, Western diet, and, for BMI, urbanization in 1980 and 2008. Methods and Results— Country-level risk factor estimates for 199 countries between 1980 and 2008 were from a previous systematic analysis of population-based data. We analyzed the associations between risk factors and per capita national income, a measure of Western diet, and, for BMI, the percentage of the population living in urban areas. In 1980, the…
Common variants conferring risk of schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a complex disorder, caused by both genetic and environmental factors and their interactions. Research on pathogenesis has traditionally focused on neurotransmitter systems in the brain, particularly those involving dopamine. Schizophrenia has been considered a separate disease for over a century, but in the absence of clear biological markers, diagnosis has historically been based on signs and symptoms. A fundamental message emerging from genome-wide association studies of copy number variations (CNVs) associated with the disease is that its genetic basis does not necessarily conform to classical nosological disease boundaries. Certain CNVs confer not only high relative ris…
Myospherulose des Mittelohres - eine seltene Differenzialdiagnose des Cholesteatoms
Background Myospherulosis is a chronic-inflammatory lesion that is most commonly iatrogenic of origin and occurs in tissues exposed to petrolatum-based products. The disease does not exhibit characteristic symptoms and is therefore not diagnosed in some instances. In previous otorhinolaryngological studies, myospherulosis was mainly found in paranasal sinuses, while only four otitic cases have been reported. Methods A 48-year-old female Egyptian patient suffered from bilateral chronic otitis media that had been treated in Egypt by tympanoplasty. The patient presented few months later at the university ENT department (Mainz) with deteriorated otorrhea and otalgia. Clinical, otoscopical, and …
Die operative Therapie einer segmentalen, primären intestinalen Lymphangiektasie des Jejunums mit ausgeprägtem Chylaskos
Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL) is a protein-losing, exsudative gastroenteropathy causing lymphatic obstruction. Diagnosis depends on clinical examination and histological findings. Conservative treatment modalities include a low-fat diet and enteral nutritional therapy in order to reduce enteric protein loss and to improve fat metabolism. Other treatment options consist of administration of antiplasmin or octreotide to lower lymph flow and secretion. We report on a 58-year-old patient who underwent exploratory laparotomy due to a worsening physical status, recurrent chylaskos and leg oedema under conservative dietary therapy. Intraoperative findings showed a typical PIL of the je…
Expression of fibronectin splice variants and oncofetal glycosylated fibronectin in the synovial membranes of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
The aim of this study was to define and compare the expression of fibronectin (Fn) isoforms in synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA).Using monoclonal antibodies specific for total Fn, extra domain (ED)-A Fn, ED-B Fn, and oncofetal glycosylated Fn, we studied the expression of the Fn isoforms in synovium. Furthermore, in situ hybridization for the detection of ED-B Fn mRNA including a double labeling technique for the detection of cell type was applied.Strong expression of total Fn, ED-A Fn, oncofetal glycosylated Fn and, to a lesser extent, ED-B Fn could be demonstrated in the synovial lining layer in both RA and OA. Stromal and vessel expression…
Letaler Verlauf einer Meningokokkensepsis?das Waterhouse-Friderichsen-Syndrom
Wir berichten uber einen 59-jahrigen Patienten, der nach unspezifischem Infekt der oberen Atemwege somnolent und hochfiebernd in unserer Klinik aufgenommen wurde. Innerhalb von Stunden entwickelte sich ein Waterhouse-Friderichsen-Syndrom als Sonderform der Meningokokkensepsis. Bei Auftreten von septischem Schock und disseminierter intravasaler Gerinnung verlauft die Krankheit trotz maximaler intensivmedizinischer Therapie in 85 –90% letal. Entscheidend fur einen Therapieerfolg sind die fruhestmogliche Diagnosestellung und die fruhzeitige Antibiotikagabe. Enge Kontaktpersonen sollten umgehend eine Antibiotikaprophylaxe erhalten.
40(th) EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes : Munich, Germany, 5-9 September 2004
Massive Adenomyose bei einer Patientin mit Uterus septus completus
Septate uterus is a malformation caused by the defective resorption of the Mullerian ducts. It may be incomplete, or -- less frequently -- complete. We present a case of a uterus septus completus with special emphasis on the endometrial changes. We describe a 46-year-old female patient (nullipara) with a known uterus septus suffering from hypermenorrhea. Sonography demonstrated a massively enlarged uterus with several nodes. Hysterectomy was performed and tissue specimens were routinely processed. Macroscopical examination revealed a 1 230 g-weight uterus septus completus. In particular, the myometrium was enlarged and exhibited a cystic cut surface with several nodes measuring up to 4.5 cm…
Benigne Form der Osteopetrose
Die Osteopetrose ist eine Erkrankung, bei der es zu Resorptionsstorungen des durch enchondrale Ossifikation gebildeten Knochens kommt. Die Ursache der Osteoklasteninsuffizienz ist nicht bekannt. In der Literatur wird ein vollstandiger Syntheseverlust der Zysteinprotease Kathepsin K als Atiologie der Resorptionsstorung diskutiert. Wir konnten in unserem Fallbericht bei der benignen Form der Osteopetrose eine Kathepsin-K-Expression osteoklastarer Zellen nachweisen. Weiterhin fanden wir in den osteoklastaren Zellen den Makrophagenmarker CD68, wobei sich in deren Nachbarschaft keine weiteren Zellen des mononuklearen Phagozytensystems darstellen liesen. Eine Hemmung der osteoklastaren Zellen dur…