D. Prabhakaran

The global cardiovascular risk transition: associations of four metabolic risk factors with national income, urbanization, and Western diet in 1980 and 2008

Background— It is commonly assumed that cardiovascular disease risk factors are associated with affluence and Westernization. We investigated the associations of body mass index (BMI), fasting plasma glucose, systolic blood pressure, and serum total cholesterol with national income, Western diet, and, for BMI, urbanization in 1980 and 2008. Methods and Results— Country-level risk factor estimates for 199 countries between 1980 and 2008 were from a previous systematic analysis of population-based data. We analyzed the associations between risk factors and per capita national income, a measure of Western diet, and, for BMI, the percentage of the population living in urban areas. In 1980, the…

research product

Magnetic phase diagram of La$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CoO$_{4}$ revised using muon-spin relaxation

We report the results of a muon-spin relaxation ($\mu$SR) investigation of La$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CoO$_{4}$, an antiferromagnetic insulating series which has been shown to support charge ordered and magnetic stripe phases and an hourglass magnetic excitation spectrum. We present a revised magnetic phase diagram, which shows that the suppression of the magnetic ordering temperature is highly sensitive to small concentrations of holes. Distinct behavior within an intermediate $x$ range ($0.2 \leq x \lesssim 0.6$) suggests that the putative stripe ordered phase extends to lower $x$ than previously thought. Further charge doping ($0.67 \leq x \leq 0.9$) prevents magnetic ordering for $T \gtrsim 1.5~…

research product