Said Abboudi
Physical modeling of heat and moisture transfer in wet bio-sourced insulating materials.
Simultaneous heat and moisture transfers in bio-sourced insulating materials are significant phenomena in thermal metrology. The present study focuses on these phenomena by experimental and numerical approaches based on the asymmetric hot-plate method. In this paper, a bio-sourced insulating material based on flax fibers is developed. The thermal and hygric properties of the sample are then investigated in the humid atmosphere. The temperature is maintained at 30 °C, and the relative humidity varies between 30% and 90% RH. A physics-based model of simultaneous heat and moisture transfer is developed for thermal conductivity estimation. This model is discretized with finite difference method…
Effect of Boundary Conditions on the Hydrogen Absorption in a Metal Hydride Reactor
In this paper, a numerical study of the heat and mass transfer in a metal hydride reactor is presented. The reaction within the metal hydride reactor is exothermic. That makes the hydriding process less effective. Thus, a cooling system is needed to reduce the temperature in order to increase the amount of the absorbed hydrogen. The geometry of the studied reactor is cylindrical with (H=3cm) of height and (R=5cm) of radius. A heat exchanger is considered in the lateral and base walls. The transfer is considered two-dimensional and transient. The governing equations of the transfer phenomenon are based on the conservation principle of mass, momentum and energy. Using the finite volume method…
Enhancement of heat exchanger thermal hydraulic performance using aluminum foam
Abstract This paper deals with an experimental study of a turbulent forced convection in a rectangular channel partly fitted with aluminum metallic foam blocks. Experiments were carried out on samples having a constant porosity of 93.8%, different grades of 5, 20 and 40 PPI, and three different height ratios of 0.6, 0.8 and 1. The blocks were arranged in a baffle like configuration. A constant heat flux of 2 W/cm2 was applied on the bottom wall of the test section, while air velocity was varied from 1 to 5 m·s−1. Temperatures of the wall along the flow direction as well as those of the inlet and outlet sections have been measured. Additionally, pressure drop measurements across the aluminum…
Effect of material and geometric parameters on natural convection heat transfer over an eccentric annular-finned tube
In this work, the performance of an eccentric annular finned tube heat exchanger under natural convection conditions has been investigated numerically. The objective of the study is to analyse the ...
A theoretical framework for product relationships description over space and time in integrated design
ABSTRACTThis paper presents a novel qualitative description theory in the context of integrated design, which here incorporates assembly sequence planning in the early product design stages (also called assembly oriented design – AOD). Based on a literature review of current AOD approaches, product models and mereotopology-based theories, the authors introduce a promising mereotopological theory which enables the formal product relationships description in integrated design by introducing an emerging framework, four-dimensionalism (i.e. perdurantism in philosophy). The proposed efforts aim at providing a concrete basis for describing the evolution of spatial entities (i.e. product parts) an…
Numerical modeling of the solid-state sintering at the microstructural level: Multiphysics approach and application to metal additive manufacturing
Numerical modeling of the solid-state sintering at the microstructural level: Multiphysics approach and application to metal additive manufacturing
Etude analytique en régime dynamique des performances thermiques des parois en blocs de terre stabilisée
L’objectif visé à travers cette étude est de parvenir à dimensionner de manière optimale les épaisseurs des murs en blocs de terre stabilisée (BTS), pour obtenir un confort thermique satisfaisant à l’intérieur des constructions avec ce matériau. Pour ce faire, une méthode analytique des admittances basée sur le complexe de Fourier est utilisée. L’analyse des résultats a mis en exergue les principaux facteurs influents sur le dimensionnement idoine pour parvenir à assurer un confort thermique satisfaisant à l’intérieur de ces constructions en terre. Parmi ces facteurs, on relève les caractéristiques thermo-physiques intrinsèques des matériaux utilisés et d’autres paramètres tels que le facte…