Jan Fichtner
An unusual case of ureteral ectopia in the seminal vesicle: diagnosis and surgical management.
We report the case of a young man who presented with numerous episodes of ipsilateral epididymitis. Selected imaging studies with consideration of urogenital embryology lead to the rare diagnosis of a dysplastic kidney with ureteral ectopia in the seminal vesicle. After nephroureterectomy and vesiculectomy, convalescence was uneventful. No specific symptoms, equivocal diagnostic findings and the small number of patients limit the surgical experience in diseases of the seminal vesicle. Suprainguinal extravesical extirpation, however, appears to be an excellent operative approach in cases of unilateral seminal vesicle cysts.
Long-term outcome of ventral buccal mucosa onlay graft urethroplasty for urethral stricture repair
Abstract Objectives To evaluate our patients who were treated with ventral buccal mucosa onlay grafts for open urethral stricture repair with a follow-up exceeding 5 years. Buccal mucosa onlay is widely used for urethral reconstruction; however, the long-term outcome of these patients remains unclear. Methods During the past 10 years, 67 patients underwent ventral buccal mucosa onlay graft surgery for urethral stricture repair. Of these, 32 were followed up for longer than 5 years (mean 6.9 years) for the occurrence and timing of any postoperative complications. All patients had undergone prior internal urethrotomy (mean 2.9 procedures), and the average length of the stricture was 4.3 cm (r…
Urinary diversion and reconstruction.
Orthotopic bladder augmentation and substitution has been established as the standard procedure for urinary diversion in many institutions, with current studies reporting mainly on continence rates and procedure-associated complications, such as the risk of impairment of neobladder function by local tumor recurrences in the small pelvis. Similarly, in other types of continent diversion, such as continent cutaneous diversion and rectal reservoirs, current interest is primarily directed towards minimization of surgery-associated complications.
Sacral bladder denervation for treatment of detrusor hyperreflexia and autonomic dysreflexia
Objectives. Detrusor hyperreflexia after spinal cord injury may cause urinary incontinence and chronic renal failure. In patients refractory to conservative treatment and not eligible for ventral sacral root stimulation for electrically induced micturition, we investigated the therapeutic value of sacral bladder denervation as a stand-alone procedure. Methods. Nine patients (8 men and 1 woman) between 21 and 58 years old (mean 30.2) with traumatic suprasacral spinal cord lesions underwent sacral bladder denervation for treatment of detrusor hyperreflexia and/or autonomic dysreflexia. Results. Detrusor hyperreflexia and autonomic dysreflexia were eliminated in all cases. Bladder capacity inc…