Miriam Schillner


Pro-inflammatory T helper 17 directly harms oligodendrocytes in neuroinflammation.

Significance Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuroinflammatory, demyelinating disease that represents one of the most frequent causes of irreversible disability in young adults. Treatment options to halt disability are limited. We discovered that T helper (Th)17 cells in contact with oligodendrocytes produce higher levels of glutamate and induce significantly greater oligodendrocyte damage than their Th2 counterpart. Blockade of CD29, which is linked to glutamate release pathways and expressed in high levels on Th17 cells, preserved human oligodendrocyte processes from Th17-mediated injury. Our data thus provide evidence for the direct and deleterious attack of Th17 cells on the myelin compart…

research product

A predominantly glial origin of axonal ribosomes after nerve injury

Axonal mRNA transport and local protein synthesis are crucial for peripheral axon regeneration. To date, it remains unclear how ribosomes localize to axons. They may be co-transported with mRNAs or, as suggested by recent studies, transferred from Schwann cells (SC). Here, we generated transgenic "RiboTracker" mice expressing tdTomato-tagged ribosomal protein L4 in specific cell types when crossed with Cre lines. Two neuronal RiboTracker-Cre lines displayed extremely low levels of axonal L4-tdTomato-positive ribosomes. In contrast, two glial RiboTracker-Cre lines revealed tagged ribosomes in sciatic nerve (SN) axons with increasing amounts after injury. Furthermore, non-RiboTracker dorsal r…

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