Gertrudis Fornés
Incompleteness and not just right experiences in the explanation of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
In the past decade, not just right experiences (NJRE) and incompleteness (INC) have attracted renewed interest as putative motivators of symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), beyond harm avoidance (HA). This study examines, in 267 non-clinical undergraduates and 47 OCD patients, the differential contributions of HA, INC, and NJRE to the different OCD symptom dimensions and the propensity to have the disorder. The results indicate that although both the NJRE and INC range from normality to OCD, their number and intensity significantly increase as the obsessional tendencies increase, which suggests that they are vulnerability markers for OCD. Although they cannot be considered full…
Sensación de inacabado y experiencias “not just right” como motivadoras de los síntomas obsesivo-compulsivos
The sense of incompleteness, “not just right” experiences and “just right” symptoms are considered motivational variables of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. This study examines the relationships between these “new” constructs and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) related variables (symptoms, dysfunctional beliefs, perfectionism, and intolerance to uncertainty), in comparison to its association with emotional non-OCD psychopathology. The results from 267 individuals who completed self-reports indicate that individuals at risk of developing OCD score higher on the main constructs of the study than those not at risk. Only the variables incompleteness, not just right experiences and just right…
Modelo de personalidad HEXACO: Relaciones con psicopatología emocional en una muestra española [HEXACO personality model: Relationships with emotional psychopathology in a Spanish sample]
This study examines the relationships between personality dimensions and obsessive-compulsive and depressive psychopathology signs, on the basis of the new 6-dimension HEXACO personality model:Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience. Participants were 354 individuals from the general population, from which 21 were at risk of depression (r-DEP) and 29 at risk of obsessive-compulsive disorder (r-OCD). Jointly, the 6 personality dimensions explained 42% of the BDI-II score in the r-DEP group, and 37% of the C-BOCI score in the r-OCD group. The two at-risk groups differed from the no-risk participants in all the personality dime…
Transtorno Obsesivo Compulsivo
Vídeo en el que se explica la génesis del TOC desde la perspectiva cognitiva;Producción: SFPIE (www.uv.es/sfpie) VLC-Campus