Assessment of mental stress through the analysis of physiological signals acquired from wearable devices
Mental stress is a physiological state that directly correlates to the quality of life of individuals. Generally speaking, but especially true for disabled or elderly subjects, the assessment of such condition represents a very strong indicator correlated to the difficulties, and, in some case, to the frustration that derives from the execution of a task that results troublesome to be accomplished. This article describes a novel procedure for the assessment of the mental stress level through the use of low invasive wireless wearable devices. The information contained in electrocardiogram, respiratory signal, blood volume pulse, and electroencephalogram was extracted to set up an estimator f…
Multilevel assessment of mental stress via network physiology paradigm using consumer wearable devices
Mental stress is a physiological condition that has a strong negative impact on the quality of life, affecting both the physical and the mental health. For such a reason, accurate measurements of stress level can be helpful to provide mechanisms for prevention and treatment. This paper proposes a procedure for the classification of different mental stress levels by using physiological signals provided by low invasive wearable devices. 17 healthy volunteers participated in this study. Three different mental states were elicited in them: a resting condition, a stressful cognitive state, and a sustained attention task. The acquired physiological signals were: a one lead electrocardiogram (ECG)…
Mutual Information Analysis of Brain-Body Interactions during different Levels of Mental stress
In this work, we analyze brain-heart interactions during different mental states computing mutual information (MI) between the dynamic activity of different physiological systems. In 18 healthy subjects monitored in a relaxed resting state and during a mental arithmetic and a serious game task, multichannel EEG, one lead ECG, respiration and blood volume pulse were collected via wireless non-invasive biosensors. From these signals, synchronous 300-second time series were extracted measuring brain activity via the δ, θ, α, and β EEG power, and activity of the body district via the ECG R-R interval η, the respiratory amplitude ϱ and the pulse arrival time π. MI was computed using a linear est…
Minimally Invasive Assessment of Mental Stress based on Wearable Wireless Physiological Sensors and Multivariate Biosignal Processing
The development of connected health technologies for the continuous monitoring of the psychophysical state of individuals performing daily life activities requires the aggregation of non-intrusive sensors and the availability of methods and algorithms for extracting the relevant physiological information. The present study proposes an integrated approach for the objective assessment of mental stress which combines wirelessly connected low invasive biosensors with multivariate physiological time series analysis. In a group of 18 healthy subjects monitored in a relaxed resting state and during two experimental conditions inducing mental stress and sustained attention (respectively, mental ari…
Information Dynamics of the Brain, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Network during Different Levels of Mental Stress
In this study, an analysis of brain, cardiovascular and respiratory dynamics was conducted combining information-theoretic measures with the Network Physiology paradigm during different levels of mental stress. Starting from low invasive recordings of electroencephalographic, electrocardiographic, respiratory, and blood volume pulse signals, the dynamical activity of seven physiological systems was probed with one-second time resolution measuring the time series of the &delta