Vítězslav Plášek

New national and regional bryophyte records, 61

New record of phytogeographical interest, at national or regional scale, for 47 bryophytes taxa are reported. New sites are located in 23 different geographical areas of . In particular, for each taxon, data on taxonomy, ecological as well as phytogeographical features are specified

research product

The long history of rich fens supports persistence of plant and snail habitat specialists

Increasing evidence for the effects of Holocene history on modern biotic communities suggests that current explanations of community patterns and conservation strategies require revisiting. Here we focused on Central European rich fens that are at high risk among mire habitats because of their relatively low environmental stability, and hence sensitivity to successional shifts. At each of 57 study sites, inventory of specialist species of bryophytes, vascular plants and land snails, measurements of local environmental conditions, area, and radiocarbon dating were conducted. We used Moran’s I spatial autocorrelation, multiple linear regression models, MDS, db-RDA, and null models to identify…

research product

Four Remarkable Additions to the Biodiversity of Chinese Mosses

Four species of moss genus Schistidium are reported for the first time from China. All of them have been found in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Ecological and distributional details of the newly recorded species are provided and their local distribution is mapped. Photographs of the species are attached. Checklist of Schistidium species and identifying key are added. Considering the present records, Schistidium consists of 15 species in China.

research product

Diversity, distribution, and classification of chasmophytic vegetation in the Central Asian biodiversity hotspot : alpine belt of the Eastern Pamir-Alai and Western Tian Shan Mountains

AbstractThis paper presents the results of research conducted on chasmophytic vegetation occurring within the alpine belt (approx. 1,850–4,000 m a.s.l.) in the eastern part of Middle Asia. We specifically focused on the diversity and syntaxonomy of rock vegetation as well as on environmental variables determining its distribution. Altogether, 242 relevés were sampled in rock fissures, ledges, and clefts during field surveys conducted in 2013–2019. The size of each recorded vegetation plot was 1 m2. Five main groups of chasmophytic vegetation were distinguished in the studied area. Each group was confined to a specific combination of substrate type and climatic conditions. Altogether, 16 spe…

research product

New national and regional bryophyte records, 51

1. Aloina rigida (Hedw.) Limpr.Contributors: O. Yu. Pisarenko, V. E. Fedosov and V. A. BakalinRussia: Primorsky Territory, Dalnegorsky District, vicinity of Dalnegorsk Town, NE-facing steep slope o...

research product

Classification of European bog vegetation of the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea class

Aims: Classification of European bog vegetation (Oxycocco-Sphagnetea class); identification of diagnostic species for the class and vegetation subgroups (orders and alliances); development of an expert system for automatic classification of vegetation plots; and production of distribution maps of the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea class and its alliances. Location: Europe. Methods: A data set of vegetation-plot records was compiled to include various bog types over most of the European continent. An unsupervised classification (beta-flexible linkage method, Sørensen distance measure) and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) ordination were applied. Formal definitions of syntaxa based on species pre…

research product

Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries : new national and regional vascular plant records

The paper presents new records for 10 vascular plant species from three Asian and four European countries. Of this number, three species (Panicum capillare, Stipa macroglossa, Tribulus longipetalus) are reported from Tajikistan, two (Calamagrostis emodensis, Calamagrostis lahulensis) from Myanmar, two (Euphorbia taurinensis, Origanum vulgare var. megastachyum) from Poland, one (Sagina apetala) from Uzbekistan, one (Orobanche ritro) from Ukraine and Russia, and one (Leontodon saxatilis) from the Czech Republic. Eight of these taxa are new to the flora of different Asian and European countries; and two, very rare but recently spreading species, namely Leontodon saxatilis and Euphorbia taurine…

research product

New national and regional bryophyte records, 44

Syntrichia norvegica is a circumpolar arctic- montane species (Smith, 2004), rare at lower altitudes and in southern Europe (Frey et al., 2006). It is known from several south-eastern European countries (Sabovljevic et al., 2008) and now it is recorded for the first time in Croatia. Regarding its conservation status, S. norvegica is red listed in Great Britain (EN), Czech Republic (CR), Slovakia (VU), Bulgaria (NT), Hungary (DD), Romania (VU) and Estonia (VU) (Hodgetts, 2014). It was found in the northern Velebit Mountains, in an area with the most outstanding and extreme karst relief, with steep slopes, perpendicular rocks, screes and deep dolines. The locality is situated in the Pinus mug…

research product

New national and regional bryophyte records, 42

1. Acaulon triquetrum (Spruce) Mull.Hal.Contributors: S. Grdovic, A. Sabovljevic and M.S. SabovljevicSerbia: Belgrade, Bežanijska kosa, on loess soil, 16 March 2013, leg./det. Aneta Sabovljevic & M...

research product

Three species new to the moss flora of Alaska

Three moss species - Crossidium squamiferum, Didymodon tectorum and Loeskeobryum brevirostre - have been recorded as new to the Alaskan bryoflora. A brief description of the species and their ecology is given.

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New national and regional bryophyte records, 63

Erkul, Karaman ( Aksaray, Yazar )

research product

New national and regional bryophyte records, 41

WOS: 000348594500007

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New national and regional bryophyte records, 48

Andreaea rothii has been recorded for the first time in Croatia. It is a boreo-temperate suboceanic species (Hill et al., 2007) relatively rare in SE Europe, since it is known only from Romania (Ellis et al., 2014d), Slovenia and Serbia (Sabovljevic´ et al., 2008 ; Hodgetts, 2015). The species was found in the Papuk Mountains, situated in the mainly lowland area of NE Croatia. In this region Papuk is the largest and highest mountain range, with peaks between 800 and 900 m a.s.l. They are characterized by high geological diversity dominated by metamorphic rocks, such as different types of schists, as well as granites. The climate is temperate, moderately warm without an explicit dry period. …

research product

New national and regional bryophyte records, 39

1. Andreaea alpestris (Thed.) Schimp.Contributor: L. ThouvenotAndorra: Encamp, Ensagents, 42°31′07″N, 1°38′41″E, 2520 m a.s.l., on the top of granitic rock in alpine meadow, 17 July 2006, leg. L. T...

research product

Fen and spring vegetation in western Pamir-Alai Mountains in Tajikistan (Middle Asia)

The paper presents the results of phytosociological research on spring and fen vegetation of the western Pamir-Alai Mountains in Tajikistan. In total, 211 relevés were sampled during field studies conducted in 2008–2013 and 2015 with application of the Braun-Blanquet method. Plant communities of spring heads and peat-accumulated fens inhabiting the high montane and alpine zones in the Zeravshan, Hissar, Hazratishoh, Darvaz, Turkestan and Peter the 1st Mountains are described. A hierarchical syntaxonomic synopsis of spring and fen plant communities in the western Pamir-Alai Mountains is provided. As a result of field investigations and numerical analyses, three fen associations: Caricetum ps…

research product

Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries : new national and regional vascular plant records, 3

The paper presents new records for 18 vascular plant species from six Eurasian countries. Three taxa (Lepidium densiflorum, Stipa czerepanovii, Xanthium albinum) are reported from Kazakhstan, one (Ranunculus schmakovii) from Mongolia, three (Dianthus campestris, Ranunculus kauffmannii, Viola suavis) from Poland, five (Eragrostis amurensis, Linum catharticum, Ludwigia peploides subsp. stipulacea, Pyrethrum mikeschinii, Solidago canadensis) from Tajikistan, five (Clinopodium menthifolium, Juncus effusus, Mollugo cerviana, Poa sphondylodes, Vulpia myuros) from Russia, and one (Orobanche alba subsp. xanthostigma) from Georgia. Ten of the taxa presented (Clinopodium menthifolium, Dianthus campes…

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New national and regional bryophyte records, 53

WOS: 000423214200007

research product

Quo Vadis, Orthotrichum pulchellum? A Journey of Epiphytic Moss across the European Continent

Orthotrichum pulchellum is a species of epiphytic moss in which a significant expansion from the oceanic part of Europe to the east of the continent has been observed in the recent two decades. The improvement in air quality in Central and Eastern Europe, but also climate change, probably plays a role in this. This study shows what direction of its spreading we can expect in the future. Ecological niche modeling (ENM) is a widespread method to find out species niches in environmental and geographical space, which allows us to highlight areas that have a higher probability of occurrences of the studied species, based on identifying similar environmental conditions to those already known. We …

research product

New European Discovery of Splachnum pensylvanicum (Bryophyta, Splachnaceae) in Lithuania, with Taxonomic Notes and a Review of Its World Distribution

Splachnum pensylvanicum (Brid.) Grout ex H.A.Crum is recorded for the first time in Lithuania and it is its fourth discovery at a third locality in Europe. It was found for the first time in 2000 in Kamanos mire, the largest peatland complex in the northern part of this East Baltic country. Targeted investigations at this site in 2017 resulted in the discovery of 14 populations and it is apparently the largest and most abundant locality of the species in Europe. Splachnum pensylvanicum is briefly described and illustrated along with some taxonomic notes and a detailed description of its habitat requirements. The global geographical distribution of S. pensylvanicum is reviewed and mapped. It…

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New national and regional bryophyte records, 56

WOS: 000441652000006

research product

Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 4

The paper presents new records for 20 vascular plant species from 13 Eurasian countries. Four taxa (Calamagrostis sichuanensis, Klasea dissecta, Ptilagrostis milleri and Stipa klimesii) are reported from China, four (Aconogonon valerii, Carex siderosticta, Poa tanfiljewii and Potamogeton × subobtusus) from Russia, three (Amorpha fruticosa, Carduus acanthoides and Plantago minuta) from Tajikistan, two (Achillea sergievskiana and Delphinium barlykense) from Kazakhstan, one (Calamagrostis effusiflora) from Bhutan and India, one (Campanula wolgensis) from Mongolia, one (Orobanche coerulescens) from Georgia, two (Dysphania geoffreyi and Ptilagrostis milleri) from Nepal, one (Stipa × alaica) from…

research product

Epiphytic communities of open habitats in the western Tian-Shan Mts (Middle Asia: Kyrgyzstan)

The paper presents the results of bryosociological research conducted on the epiphytic vegetation in the western Tian-Shan Mountains in 2013. The surveys on epiphytic bryophyte and lichen communities were done on 115 sites with different quantity of trees (solitary, in alleys or wood plots along river valleys) distributed in several mountain ranges within study area. In total 21 epiphytic moss species were found during research which composes characteristic species combinations making apparent difference between associations. As a result of field research and numerical analyses, three separate groups of samples corresponding to seven associations and one community within three alliances: Ul…

research product

New national and regional bryophyte records, 49

Paper presents couple of new national and regional bryophyte records accross the world, including our new record of Pseudocalliergon lycopodioides in the Carpathians (Czarny Dunajec); the only recent record for the Carpathians.

research product

New national and regional bryophyte records, 32

Ditrichum gracile was recorded in the locality Samarske stijene in the Velika Kapela Mt for first time in Croatia. Ditrichum gracile occured within forests of common spruce belonging to the community Hyperico grisebachii - Piceetum on the forest floor, forming distinct patches of several square decimetres. The plants were of typical appearance, medium to robust, in reddish green to purplish black, rarely green patches.

research product

Effect of 30 years of road traffic abandonment on epiphytic moss diversity

Road traffic emits a cocktail of pollutants that can influence the vegetation and plant diversity in neighboring areas. However, the recovery potential of bryophytes after traffic abandonment is still little explored. In addition, the effects of the main pollutants of road verges, such as metals and salinity, on moss flora need to be investigated. In our study, we compared the moss richness and diversity in two closely related veteran tree allees of high conservation importance. The allees in Gryżów and Lubrza, Poland, were chosen because of their similarity in age, geographical location, type of surrounding areas, and tree species. The only difference was that the trees in Gryżów had not b…

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New national and regional bryophyte records, 54

Floristic and taxonnomic collaborative studies in Bryology Fil: Ellis, Leonard Thomas. The Natural History Museum, London, Uk; Reino Unido Fil: Muñoz, J.. Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid; España Fil: Suárez, G. M.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentina Fil: Flores, Jorge Rafael. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentina

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New national and regional bryophyte records, 33

WOS: 000313348700006

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New national and regional bryophyte records, 40

1. Aneura pseudopinguis (Herzog) PocsContributor: K. HylanderEthiopia: Kaffa, Bonga, Gimbo, Meligawa, Barta forest, 3 km ENE of Bonga, moist Afromontane forest, among other bryophytes on dead wood,...

research product

How Does the pH of Tree Bark Change with the Presence of the Epiphytic Bryophytes from the Family Orthotrichaceae in the Interaction with Trunk Inclination?

The pH of tree bark is affected by many factors, amongst them epiphytic bryophytes changing in their active state environment. Thus, we hypothesized that bryophytes can change bark acidity, dependently of the inclination of the branches, as inclination affect the water regime and particle deposition. We measured the pH under bryophyte cushions and compared it to nearby naked bark. Additionally, we compared results with experimental bark covering with neutral cover. We found that the pH of naked bark declines with decreasing inclination of trunks. Although bryophyte cover did not generally change the pH of the bark, there was a significant interaction with inclination: with higher inclinatio…

research product

New national and regional bryophyte records, 35

Department of Botany, University of Stellenbosch, SouthAfrica1. Brachythecium laetum(Brid.) Schimp.Contributors: S. Huttunen, M. S. Ignatov and T.Korvenpa¨a¨Finland: La¨nsi-Turunmaa, Houtskari, on east andsouth shore of island Nataholm, 60u15945.3060N21u19911.960W, in rich deciduous forest withCorylusavellanaL. understory and some calcareous soils, 13August 2008, leg. Turkka Korvenpa¨a¨, det.M.S.Ignatov in August 2012 (original det. Brachytheciumcampestre) (TUR116496).The specimen ofBrachythecium laetumwas notedby M. S. Ignatov in connection with studies onFinnish material of B. campestre(Mu¨ll.Hal.) Schimp.from the Turku University Herbarium (TUR).Additional collections were searched for …

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