Frank Peter Strietzel
Electrostimulation of the lingual nerve by an intraoral device may lead to salivary gland regeneration: A case series study
Background Salivary gland function is controlled by the salivary reflex, whose efferent arm is composed by the parasympathetic and the sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Parenchymal injury is the main salivary gland involvement of Sjögren’s syndrome and head and neck radiotherapy, but neural damage has been reported as well. Recently an intraoral device for electrostimulation of the lingual nerve in vicinity to the lower third molar has been introduced. At this point this nerve carries efferent fibers for the innervation of the submandibular, sublingual and several minor salivary glands and afferent fibers of the salivary reflex. Therefore, excitation of these fibers pot…
Implants in patients with oral manifestations of autoimmune or muco-cutaneous diseases – A systematic review
Background To give an overview on implant survival rates in patients with oral manifestations of systemic autoimmune (oral Lichen planus (oLp), Pemphigus (Pe)), muco-cutaneous (Epidermolysis bullosa (EB)), autoimmune multisystemic rheumatic diseases (Sjögren´s syndrome (SjS), systemic Lupus erythematosus (sLE), or systemic Sclerosis (sSc)). Material and Methods Systematic literature review (PubMed/Medline, Embase) using MESH and search term combinations, published between 1980 and August 2018 in English language reporting on dental implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with oLp, Pe, EB, SjS, sLE, sSc, study design, age, gender, follow-up period (≥ 12 months), implant survival rate. …
Biotechnological advances in neuro-electro-stimulation for the treatment of hyposalivation and xerostomia
El tratamiento de la xerostomía es un desafío clínico común en la práctica de la medicina oral. Aunque se han utilizado algunos tratamientos para mejorar los síntomas de la xerostomía, ninguno es del todo satisfactorio para los pacientes que padecen esta alteración. En los últimos años se han desarrollado tratamientos no farmacológicos basados en la electroestimulación para el tratamiento de la xerostomía. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo presentar nuevos desarrollos para el tratamiento de la xerostomía, aplicando neuroestimulación mediante electroestimuladores intraorales miniaturizados. Estos dispositivos aumentan la secreción salival y mejoran los síntomas de sequedad bucal. Su efecto…
Intraoral electrostimulator for xerostomia relief: a long-term, multicenter, open-label, uncontrolled, clinical trial
Objective A previous sham-controlled multinational study demonstrated the short-term efficacy and safety for xerostomia treatment of an intraoral device that delivers electrostimulation to the lingual nerve. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that those beneficial effects would be sustained over an 11-month period. Study Design The device was tested on a mixed sample of 94 patients with xerostomia in an open-label, uncontrolled, prospective multicenter trial. Statutory outcome assessments were done at 5th, 8th, and 11th months and analyzed by multiple comparisons. Results Improvements achieved at month 5 from baseline were sustained throughout the follow-up period for th…