K. A. De Rezende
Minimal Morse flows on compact manifolds
Abstract In this paper we prove, using the Poincare–Hopf inequalities, that a minimal number of non-degenerate singularities can be computed in terms only of abstract homological boundary information. Furthermore, this minimal number can be realized on some manifold with non-empty boundary satisfying the abstract homological boundary information. In fact, we present all possible indices and types (connecting or disconnecting) of singularities realizing this minimal number. The Euler characteristics of all manifolds realizing this minimal number are obtained and the associated Lyapunov graphs of Morse type are described and shown to have the lowest topological complexity.
On the variations of the Betti numbers of regular levels of Morse flows
Abstract We generalize results in Cruz and de Rezende (1999) [7] by completely describing how the Betti numbers of the boundary of an orientable manifold vary after attaching a handle, when the homology coefficients are in Z, Q, R or Z p Z with p prime. First we apply this result to the Conley index theory of Lyapunov graphs. Next we consider the Ogasa invariant associated with handle decompositions of manifolds. We make use of the above results in order to obtain upper bounds for the Ogasa invariant of product manifolds.