Silvia Acquati
Management of metabolic adverse events of targeted therapies and immune checkpoint inhibitors in cancer patients: an Associazione Italiana Oncologia Medica (AIOM)/Associazione Medici Diabetologi (AMD)/Società Italiana Farmacologia (SIF) multidisciplinary consensus position paper
The growing insights in the next-generation immunotherapy and the state-of-the-art advancement in targeted-agents significantly improved clinical outcome of cancer patients by pointing towards a unexplored Achilles' heel. Novel toxicity profiles have been uncovered, representing unmet medical needs. Thus, a panel of expert provide comprehensive pharmacological and clinical evidence, to provide a patient-tailored approach to metabolic adverse events associated with novel anti-cancer treatments. Prompted by the need of a multidisciplinary cooperation, a working group of Associazione Italiana Oncologia Medica (AIOM), Associazione Medici Diabetologi (AMD) and Societa Italiana Farmacologia (SIF)…
Metabolic disorders and gastroenteropancreatic-neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs): How do they influence each other? An Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM)/ Italian Association of Medical Diabetologists (AMD)/ Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE)/ Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF) multidisciplinary consensus position paper
Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs) are a heterogeneous group of malignancies derived from neuroendocrine cells that can occur anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract. GEP-NETs incidence has been steadily increasing over the past decades, in parallel with the increasing incidence of the metabolic syndrome (MetS). It is not yet fully known whether the MetS components (such as obesity, dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes) could be involved in the etiology of GEP-NETs or could influence their outcomes. In this review, a panel of experts of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM), Italian Association of Medical Diabetologists (AMD), Italian Society of Endocrinology…