Black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity
4 pags., 2 figs. -- Loops 11: Non-Perturbative / Background Independent Quantum Gravity 23–28 May 2011, Madrid, Spain
Combinatorics of theSU(2)black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity
We use the combinatorial and number-theoretical methods developed in previous works by the authors to study black hole entropy in the new proposal put forth by Engle, Noui, and Perez. Specifically, we give the generating functions relevant for the computation of the entropy and use them to derive its asymptotic behavior, including the value of the Immirzi parameter and the coefficient of the logarithmic correction.
Adiabatic expansions for Dirac fields, renormalization, and anomalies
11 pags.
Black hole state counting in loop quantum gravity: a number-theoretical approach
4 pages, 1 figure.-- PACS nrs.: 04.70.Dy, 04.60.Pp.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: