Marcos Gómez
Easy-to-read Texts for Students with Intellectual Disability: Linguistic Factors Affecting Comprehension
Background: The use of ‘easy-to-read’ materials for people with intellectual disabilities has become very widespread but their effectiveness has scarcely been evaluated. In this study, the framework provided by Kintsch's Construction–Integration Model (1988) is used to examine (i) the reading comprehension levels of different passages of the Spanish text that have been designed following easy-to-read guidelines and (ii) the relationships between reading comprehension (literal and inferential) and various linguistic features of these texts. Method: Sixteen students with mild intellectual disability and low levels of reading skills were asked to read easy-to-read texts and then complete a rea…
Accesibilidad cognitiva a Internet para personas con discapacidad intelectual: dificultades, beneficios y riesgos
Presentación de los profesores de la Universitat d’Alacant Marcos Gómez y Esther Chiner. Universitat d’Alacant en las Jornades Lectura Fàcil de la Generalitat Valenciana organizadas por la ERI-Lectura de la Universitat de València el 18-19 mayo de 2018. http://ir.uv.es/4zhj7IR