Rosa M. Pardo-coy
Educar en la diversitat. Una proposta d'educació literària a l'aula de Magisteri
L’objectiu d’aquest article és presentar una experiència duta a terme en l’assignatura «Formació literària en l’aula d’Educació Infantil» durant el curs 2014-2015, a partir de la necessitat educar l’alumnat en la diversitat i amb la incorporació de la literatura, la dramatització i els titelles com a poderoses eines de presa de consciència, de reflexió i de diàleg sobre la diferència. Des de la investigació sobre literatura infantil i amb la diversitat afectivosexual com a eix, els grups de treball van iniciar un debat sobre la (in)visibilitat de la majoria d’aquestes obres, i també dels prejudicis i estereotips que romanen en un gran nombre d’obres infantils. Considerem que l’experiència v…
Spanish/FL in Slovakia. A historical and Methodological Approach
Abstract The present investigation forms part of the draft of study in comparative perspective of the perception of the target language among students of Spanish from different universities and countries in Europe, from the perspective of teaching languages as a cultural fact and the importance of the social, political and economic factors in the evolution and perception of the importance of SFL learning in the European context. We want to carry out an approach to investigation of various authors on the evolution of the study of Spanish as a foreign language in Central and Eastern Europe, and specifically to the teaching of Spanish at Slovak universities. We have taken as a reference the ev…
Family and Affective Models in Children's Literature. An Approach from the Texts for Early Readers at Valencian Schools
Abstract In previous researches we have offered a panoramic view about the presence of family structures different from the traditional one in children's literature, (Oltra Albiach, 2011), about the (shy) presence of protagonists with homo-parent, single- parent families reconstructed or intercultural in children's titles and about the publications of these characteristics in the literature for first readers that have seen the light in recent years (Oltra Albiach & Pardo Coy, 2013). It is noted that the introduction of these literatures in initial schools remains in general a pending matter, especially if we take into account that it is an ideal level to prevent and treat stereotypes and pr…