Thomas Stephan

Expectation of sensory stimulation modulates brain activation during visual motion stimulation.

The differential effects of visual hemifield motion stimulation during fixation of a stationary target were compared under two conditions: fixation straight ahead without any further instructions and fixation straight ahead with attention shifted to the "dark hemifield." Data from nine right-handed volunteers revealed that striate and extrastriate right hemispheric visual areas exhibited larger activations during left hemifield motion stimulation when attention was shifted to the right dark hemifield. Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinates (26, -98, -4) of the additional clusters activated in the latter condition corresponded best to the kinetic occipital region, which is known t…

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Dominance for Vestibular Cortical Function in the Non-dominant Hemisphere

The aim of this (15)O-labelled H(2)O bolus positron emission tomography (PET) study was to analyse the hemispheric dominance of the vestibular cortical system. Therefore, the differential effects of caloric vestibular stimulation (right or left ear irrigation with warm water at 44 degrees C) on cortical and subcortical activation were studied in 12 right-handed and 12 left-handed healthy volunteers. Caloric irrigation induces a direction-specific sensation of rotation and nystagmus. Significant regional cerebral blood flow increases were found in a network within both hemispheres, including the superior frontal gyrus/sulcus, the precentral gyrus and the inferior parietal lobule with the sup…

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Changes in cerebellar activation pattern during two successive sequences of saccades

The changes in the cerebellar activation pattern of two successive fMRI scanning runs were determined for visually guided to‐and‐fro saccades in 12 healthy volunteers familiar with the study paradigm. Group and single subject‐analyses revealed a constant activation of the paramedian cerebellar vermis (uvula, tonsils, tuber, folium/declive), which reflects constant ocular motor activity in both runs. A significant decrease in activation of the cerebellar hemispheres found in the second run is best explained by either a decrease in attention or the effects of motor optimization and learning. The significant, systematic changes of the cerebellar activation pattern in two successive runs were n…

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Eyes open and eyes closed as rest conditions: impact on brain activation patterns

The patterns of associated brain activations during eyes-open and eyes-closed states in complete darkness considerably differ in fMRI. An "interoceptive" state with the eyes closed is characterized by visual cortex activation, while an "exteroceptive" state with the eyes open is characterized by ocular motor system activity. The impact of the chosen rest condition (eyes open or eyes closed in complete darkness) on the pattern of brain activations during visual stimulation was evaluated in 14 healthy volunteers. During fixation or dim light room illumination, the activation of the visual cortex was larger with the eyes-open rest condition than with the eyes-closed rest condition; however, ac…

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Fixation suppression of optokinetic nystagmus modulates cortical visual-vestibular interaction.

Water activation positron emission tomography and statistical group analysis were used to evaluate differences in activation-deactivation patterns during small-field visual motion stimulation, eliciting rightward optokinetic nystagmus and its fixation suppression in 12 healthy volunteers. Bilateral patterns of activation in the visual cortex, including the motion-sensitive area MT/V5, and deactivations in an assembly of vestibular areas (posterior insula, thalamus, anterior cingulate gyrus) during optokinetic nystagmus was markedly diminished or totally absent during its fixation suppression. This finding agrees with the concept of a reciprocal inhibitory interaction between the visual-opto…

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Acute Vestibular Nucleus Lesion Affects Cortical Activation Pattern during Caloric Irrigation in PET

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Medial Vestibular Nucleus Lesions in Wallenberg's Syndrome Cause Decreased Activity of the Contralateral Vestibular Cortex

Three patients with the clinical diagnosis of Wallenberg's syndrome caused by acute unilateral ischemic infarctions, which included the vestibular nucleus in the medullary brain stem and afferent vestibular pathways, were examined by positron emission tomography (PET) during caloric vestibular stimulation. They all had typical signs of vestibular dysfunction such as transient rotatory vertigo with vomiting at the onset, ipsiversive body and ocular lateropulsion, and a complete ocular tilt reaction with tilts of the subjective visual vertical. Compared with healthy volunteers, who show activation in a network of temporoparietal vestibular areas within both hemispheres, especially in the post…

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Imaging the visual autokinetic illusion with fMRI

During fixation of a stationary, dim light-emitting diode (LED) in complete darkness, a subtle, apparent motion is perceived which is called autokinesis. This autokinetic illusion increases with increasing fixation time. Eleven healthy subjects were examined by fMRI while fixating an LED in darkness for 35 s. BOLD signal changes of the first and the second half of the fixation period were compared. While the stimulus was the same for both periods, perception differed in that autokinesis was more pronounced in the second half. This second half of the period was associated with bilateral activations in the motion-sensitive middle occipito-temporal area known as MT/V5. Our finding suggests tha…

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Inhibitory interhemispheric visuovisual interaction in motion perception.

Findings of an earlier functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study that coherent motion stimulation of the right or left visual hemifield exhibited negative signal changes (deactivations) in the primary visual cortex and the lateral geniculate nucleus contralateral to the stimulated hemisphere were evaluated to determine the functional significance of this contralateral inhibition of the visual system. Fourteen subjects participated in a psychophysical study on the perception of single object motion (0.4 degrees /s) in one visual hemifield with or without concurrent coherent motion stimulation of the contralateral hemifield. Mean detection times for horizontal object motion (0.5 +/- …

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Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activations of Cortical Eye Fields during Saccades, Smooth Pursuit, and Optokinetic Nystagmus

Saccades, smooth pursuit, and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) are three basic eye movements in our ocular motor repertoire that enable us to explore the visual field. These eye movements are cortically controlled in different cortical eye fields, including the frontal eye fields (FEF) and parietal eye fields (PEF), as well as the motion-sensitive visual area MT+/V5. It is not known if this cortical control is organized in parallel cortico-cortical networks or in adjacent subregions of one system. Nor do we know where the specific eye fields are exactly located. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to investigate these open questions about the FEF, PEF, and MT+/V5. Activations o…

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Sensory system interactions during simultaneous vestibular and visual stimulation in PET

The patterns of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) increases and decreases in PET were compared for unimodal vestibular, unimodal visual, and for simultaneous vestibular and visual stimulation. Thirteen healthy volunteers were exposed to a) caloric vestibular stimulation, b) small-field visual motion stimulation in roll, c) simultaneous caloric vestibular and visual pattern stimulation. Unimodal vestibular stimulation led to activations of vestibular cortex areas, in particular the parieto-insular vestibular cortex (PIVC), and concurrent deactivations of visual cortical areas [Brodmann area (BA) 17-19]. Unimodal visual motion stimulation led to activations of the striate visual cortex and …

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Vestibular thalamus: Two distinct graviceptive pathways.

Objective: To determine whether there are distinct thalamic regions statistically associated with either contraversive or ipsiversive disturbance of verticality perception measured by subjective visual vertical (SVV). Methods: We used modern statistical lesion behavior mapping on a sample of 37 stroke patients with isolated thalamic lesions to clarify which thalamic regions are involved in graviceptive otolith processing and whether there are distinct regions associated with contraversive or ipsiversive SVV deviation. Results: We found 2 distinct systems of graviceptive processing within the thalamus. Contraversive tilt of SVV was associated with lesions to the nuclei dorsomedialis, intrala…

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fMRI signal increases and decreases in cortical areas during small-field optokinetic stimulation and central fixation

Small-field optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) was performed in seven healthy volunteers in order to analyze the activation and deactivation patterns of visual motion, ocular motor, and multisensory vestibular cortex areas by means of fMRI during coherent visual motion stimulation. BOLD signal decreases (deactivations) were found in the first and second long insular gyri and retroinsular areas (the human homologue of the parietoinsular vestibular cortex and the visual posterior sylvian area in the monkey) of both hemispheres, extending into the transverse temporal gyrus and inferior-anterior parts of the superior temporal gyrus (BA 22), and the precentral gyri at two separate sites (BA 4 and 6). F…

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Rollvection versus linearvection: Comparison of brain activations in PET

We conducted a PET study to directly compare the differential effects of visual motion stimulation that induced either rollvection about the line of sight or forward linearvection along this axis in the same subjects. The main question was, whether the areas that respond to vection are identical or separate and distinct for rollvection and linearvection. Eleven healthy volunteers were exposed to large-field (100 degrees x 60 degrees ) visual motion stimulation consisting of (1) dots accelerating from a focus of expansion to the edge of the screen (forward linearvection) and (2) dots rotating counterclockwise in the frontal plane (clockwise rollvection). These two stimuli, which induced appa…

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Performing allocentric visuospatial judgments with induced distortion of the egocentric reference frame: an fMRI study with clinical implications

The temporary improvement of visuospatial neglect during galvanic vestibular stimulation (Scand. J. Rehabil. Med. 31 (1999)117) may result from correction of the spatial reference frame distorted by the responsible lesion. Prior to an investigation of the neural basis of this effect in neurological patients, exploration of the neural mechanisms underlying such procedures in normals is required to provide insight into the physiological basis thereof. Despite their clinical impact, the neural mechanisms underlying the interaction of galvanic (and other) vestibular manipulations with visuospatial processing (and indeed the neural bases of how spatial reference frames are computed in man) remai…

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Functional MRI of galvanic vestibular stimulation with alternating currents at different frequencies.

Abstract Functional MRI was performed in 28 healthy volunteers to study the effects of galvanic vestibular stimulation with alternating currents (AC-GVS) of different frequencies on brain activation patterns. The aims of this study were (1) to identify specific areas within the vestibular cortical network that are involved in the processing of frequency-specific aspects by correlation analyses, (2) to determine the optimal frequency for stimulation of the vestibular system with respect to perception, and (3) to analyze whether different frequencies of AC-GVS are mediated in different cortical areas or different sites within the vestibular cortex. AC-GVS was performed using sinusoidal stimul…

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Three Determinants of Vestibular Hemispheric Dominance during Caloric Stimulation: A Positron Emission Tomography Study

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Asymmetric modulation of human visual cortex activity during 10 degrees lateral gaze (fMRI study).

We used BOLD fMRI to study the differential effects of the direction of gaze on the visual and the ocular motor systems. Fixation of a target straight ahead was compared to fixation of a target 10 degrees to the right and 10 degrees to the left from gaze straight ahead, and to eyes open in complete darkness in thirteen healthy volunteers. While retinotopic coordinates remained the same in all fixation conditions, the fixation target shifted with respect to a head-centered frame of reference. During lateral fixation, deactivations in higher-order visual areas (one ventral cluster in the lingual and fusiform gyri and one dorsal cluster in the postero-superior cuneus) and, as a trend, activati…

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Eye closure in darkness animates sensory systems.

Single subject and group analyses (n = 12) showed that the eyes-open and eyes-closed states in complete darkness considerably and consistently differ in the patterns of associated brain activation in fMRI. During nonchanging external stimulation, ocular motor and attentional systems were activated when the eyes were open; the visual, somatosensory, vestibular, and auditory systems were activated when the eyes were closed. These data suggest that there are two different states of mental activity: with the eyes closed, an "interoceptive" state characterized by imagination and multisensory activity and with the eyes open, an "exteroceptive" state characterized by attention and ocular motor act…

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