Francisco Jódar
Emancipación e igualdad: aspectos sociopolíticos de una experiencia pedagógica
Una vez detallada la nueva constelación de sentido sobre la educación que produce la experiencia pedagógica de Joseph Jacotot llamada "enseñanza universal" y tras caracterizarla en tanto que acontecimiento, el presente texto aborda algunos aspectos sociopolíticos que ahí están presentes. Dicho abordaje utiliza el utillaje conceptual de autores contemporáneos, especialmente Bourdieu, Deleuze y Foucault. Y pretende desgranar la singularidad de la actuación educativa de Jacotot y de su pensamiento sobre la emancipación y la igualdad. De este modo, se presenta un Jacotot cuya postura sobre la educación, la emancipación y la igualdad, a la par que se distanciaba de las creencias dominantes en su…
Ethics and Politics in Spanish Universities. The research assessment as a Technology of Subjectivity
Through our work, we seek to analyse critically the transformation of educational subjectivities produced by discourses and practices within the framework of the current reform process that Spanish universities are undergoing. This transformation is linked to neoliberal government rationales , but we would like to describe it taking into account the local coordination modalities which characterize the context of Spanish universities. To do so, we focus on a technology which structures and feeds on discourses and key practices in the reform process: the six-year research period (sexennium). As a technology of subjectivity , it represents a system of thought involved in the development of mor…
School, boredoom and rebelliouseness
This article intends to put light on some of the rationalization mechanisms of the boring and of the scholar disobedience presents at the modern psicopedagogical rationality. We carry on with this task spacing us out from a double position: the one that pathologies what challenge someone or defer from the established identities, and the one that turns violence into a simple phenomena of technical management and of production of expert wisdom. In order to rethink both scholar policy and psicopedagogical practices we will go deep on two phenomena by treating them as problematics. One of them is the 'institutional experience of going to the school'. The second one is inseparable from the above…