Okka W. Hamer
Comparison of MRI and VQ-SPECT as a Screening Test for Patients With Suspected CTEPH: CHANGE-MRI Study Design and Rationale
The diagnostic strategy for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is composed of two components required for a diagnosis of CTEPH: the presence of chronic pulmonary embolism and an elevated pulmonary artery pressure. The current guidelines require that ventilation–perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (VQ-SPECT) is used for the first step diagnosis of chronic pulmonary embolism. However, VQ-SPECT exposes patients to ionizing radiation in a radiation sensitive population. The prospective, multicenter, comparative phase III diagnostic trial CTEPH diagnosis Europe - MRI (CHANGE-MRI, ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02791282) aims to demonstrate whether functional…
Recommendations of the Thoracic Imaging Section of the German Radiological Society for clinical application of chest imaging and structured CT reporting in the COVID-19 pandemic.
This information provided by the Thoracic Imaging Section of the German Radiological Society is intended to give physicians recommendations on the use of thoracic imaging procedures in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. It represents the consensus of the authors based on the previous scientific knowledge and is intended to provide guidance for unified, structured CT reporting if COVID-19 pneumonia is suspected. The recommendations presented correspond to state of knowledge at the time of print and will be updated according to the results of ongoing and future scientific studies. KEY POINTS:: · COVID-19. · chest imaging. · German Radiological Society. CITATION FORMAT: · Vogel-Clau…