Crude oil exposures reveal roles for intracellular calcium cycling in haddock craniofacial and cardiac development.
AbstractRecent studies have shown that crude oil exposure affects cardiac development in fish by disrupting excitation-contraction (EC) coupling. We previously found that eggs of Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) bind dispersed oil droplets, potentially leading to more profound toxic effects from uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Using lower concentrations of dispersed crude oil (0.7–7 μg/L ∑PAH), here we exposed a broader range of developmental stages over both short and prolonged durations. We quantified effects on cardiac function and morphogenesis, characterized novel craniofacial defects, and examined the expression of genes encoding potential targets underly…
Impact of salmon farming on Atlantic cod spatio-temporal reproductive dynamics
Salmon farming in marine net pens is a major activity in many temperate regions. This industry may affect coastal ecosystems in several ways, such as with waste pollution and parasite spillover. Less is known about the extent to which salmon farming disrupts the use of inshore spawning grounds by wild fish, such as the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Acoustic telemetry was therefore used to explore cod space use during the spawning season in a coastal region in mid-Norway with multiple salmon farms. Acoustic receivers were placed in clusters at 5 known cod spawning grounds and 6 nearby salmon farms. Data from 481 adult cod caught at the spawning grounds during 2017-2019 and equipped with acousti…