Heli Valtonen
How did popular educators transform into experts of the Finnish welfare state from the 1860’s to the 1960’s?
Let the best story win : evaluation of the most cited business history articles
Faced with intensifying competition for scientific impact measured in terms of citation counts, small disciplines are challenged to prove their importance as they lack the critical mass to accumulate large numbers of citations. This paper demonstrates that by emphasizing theoretical and methodological rigor even small disciplines such as business history can be competitive. Yet it still appears that readers of business history articles first and foremost seek interesting and useful subject matter, i.e. ‘best’ stories that can be used as background information and as tools in comparisons. However, articles advancing theory and methodology have increasingly gained interest and citations from …
Quantitative methods in business history: An impossible equation?
Abstract In this article we want to evaluate how often quantitative tools and methods were utilized in the two premier journals in business history in the 1990s. Thus we tap into an important methodological discussion among the post-Chandlerian business historians. We found that simpler quantitative tools were employed quite often, but not necessarily going much beyond that.Also, it became apparent that the most cited business history articles were often written by scholars coming from‘outside’ the fluid disciplinary core of business history field.The analyses performed in the article revealed that the level of quantification seemed to have either no discernible impact (Business History Rev…
Jyväskylän yliopisto omalla polullaan
Introduction. Education and the making of the Nordic welfare states.
Suomalaisten yliopistojen ja korkeakoulupolitiikan juurilla
Arvio teoksesta Välimaa, Jussi. Opinteillä oppineita. Suomalainen korkeakoulutus keskiajalta 2000-luvulle. University Press of Eastern Finland. 2018. 387 s. ISBN 978-952-5934-96-0. nonPeerReviewed
Johtajan haaste: aletaan keskustella
Perheen sääntely modernisoituvassa Suomessa
In search of family business continuity: the case of transgenerational family entrepreneurship
This qualitative case study analyses continuity of transgenerational entrepreneurship in the family business. Transgenerational entrepreneurship is based on multigenerational, and in this particular firm, on the founder and next generation, business activities in the same family business. Methodologically, the data was collected by interviewing members of two generations of Imagon Ltd.; the founder, and his sons. Imagon Ltd. shows signs of transgenerational continuity. It did not start off that way in the founder’s mind; his desire was just to work for himself and fulfil his own visions. It was only much later that the prospect of defining his company as a family business entered the pictur…
Språk, samhälle och vetenskap
Minäkuvat, arvot ja mentaliteetit : tutkimus 1900-luvun alussa syntyneiden toimihenkilönaisten omaelämäkerroista
Heli Valtonen tutki väitöskirjatyössään kuinka arvomaailma vaikutti tapoihin, joilla 1900-luvun alussa syntyneet toimihenkilönaiset kirjoittivat omasta elämästään 1980-luvulla. Omaelämäkertojen suuriksi teemoiksi nousivat minuuden, naiseuden, kansalaisuuden ja suomalaisuuden muotoutuminen omaelämäkerran kerronnassa.Ihminen tulkitsee omaa elämäänsä samanaikaisesti monista eri lähtökohdista. Tämä näkyy omaelämäkertojen puhetavoissa yhteisinä piirteinä ja samankaltaisina tapoina tulkita omaa elämää. Toisaalta yhteisistä piirteistä huolimatta omaelämäkertoja leimaa moniarvoisuus ja -äänisyys sekä ainutkertaisuus. Minäkuvat rakentuvat monista erilaisista ja toisinaan keskenään ristiriitaisistaki…