Jussi Saarinen

A critical examination of existential feeling

Matthew Ratcliffe (2008, 2015) has argued that existential feelings form a distinct class of bodily and non-conceptual feelings that pre-intentionally structure our intentional experience of others, the world, and ourselves. In this article, I will identify and discuss three interrelated areas of concern for Ratcliffe’s theory of existential feelings. First, the distinct senses in which existential feelings are felt as background bodily feelings and as spaces of possibility calls for further clarification. Second, the nature of the suggested bi-directional relationship between existential feelings and intentional experience remains ambiguous. Third, viewed in light of existential guilt, the…

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Taidetta tutkimaan : menetelmiä ja näkökulmia

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Liikuntapelit osaksi koulun liikuntaa? : videopelitutkimus Jyrängön alakoulussa

Saarinen Jussi. 2012. Liikuntapelit osaksi koulun liikuntaa? Videopelitutkimus Jyrängön alakoulussa. Liikuntatieteiden laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto. Liikuntapedagogiikan Pro gradu –tutkielma, 85s. Tutkimus toteutettiin osana syksyllä 2010 käynnistynyttä Liikkuva koulu –hanketta, jonka tarkoituksena oli liikunnallistaa koulupäivää erilaisin keinoin. Tutkimuksen kohdejoukkona toimivat yhden hankkeeseen kuuluvan alakoulun neljäs- ja viidesluokkalaiset oppilaat (n=53). Tutkimuksella pyrittiin selvittämään alakoululaisten suhtautumista sekä pelikokemuksia liikuntapeleihin liittyen ja ennen kaikkea tarkastelemaan saatujen tutkimustulosten avulla liikuntapelien soveltuvuutta koulun liikuntakasvatu…

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The Oceanic Feeling: A Case Study in Existential Feeling

In this paper I draw on contemporary philosophy of emotion to illuminate the phenomenological structure of so-called oceanic feelings. I suggest that oceanic feelings come in two distinct forms: (1) as transient episodes that consist in a feeling of dissolution of the psychological and sensory boundaries of the self, and (2) as a relatively permanent feeling of unity, embracement, immanence, and openness that does not involve occurrent experiences of boundary dissolution. I argue that both forms of feeling are existential feelings, i.e. pre-intentional bodily feelings that structure overall self-world experience. I re-conceptualize episodic oceanic feelings as shifts in existential feeling,…

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Maalaaminen ja esteettinen resonanssi

Maalaamisen ilmeisin tarkoitus on luoda taideteos, maalaus. Tähän aineelliseen päämäärään kietoutuu myös toisenlainen pyrkimys: taiteilija tavoittelee erityistä affektiivista kokemusta, esteettistä resonanssia, suhteessa maalaukseensa. Resonanssin saavuttaminen edellyttää puolestaan aktiivista vuoropuhelua teoksen kanssa. Analysoin tässä artikkelissa maalaamisprosessin dialogisuutta ja sen mahdollistamaa resonanssia psykoanalyyttisen luovuusteoretisoinnin ja filosofisen affektitutkimuksen ristivalossa. Perusteesini on, että esteettinen resonanssi on kehityksellisesti varhaiskantainen tunne, jota taiteilija aktiivisesti tavoittelee vuoropuhelussaan teoksen kanssa. nonPeerReviewed

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Reflexivity and therapeutic change in the cognitive-constructive psychotherapy of panic disorder

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Book Note : Social Aesthetics and Moral Judgment: Pleasure, Reflection and Accountability

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Paintings as Solid Affective Scaffolds

We humans continuously reshape the environment to alter, enhance, and sustain our affective lives. This two‐way modification has been discussed in recent philosophy of mind as affective scaffolding, wherein scaffolding quite literally means that our affective states are enabled and supported by environmental resources such as material objects, other people, and physical spaces. In this article, I argue that under certain conditions, paintings function as noteworthy affective scaffolds to their creators. I begin with a theoretical overview of affective niche construction and affective scaffolding. Then, based on the criteria of robustness, concreteness, and dependability, I specify a more re…

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The Concept of the Oceanic Feeling in Artistic Creativity and in the Analysis of Visual Artworks

For several decades now, psychoanalytically oriented writers on art have used the concept of the oceanic feeling to designate feelings of oneness, limitlessness, and mania in artistic creativity and aesthetic experiencing. In this article, I examine critically the most influential account of the oceanic feeling in aesthetics, provided by art pedagogue and art critic Anton Ehrenzweig. Following his points of emphasis, I elaborate on the structural, perceptual, and affective aspects of oceanic states of mind. To illuminate further some of the central premises and problems of Ehrenzweig’s account, I assess two separate analyses of visual artworks that have incorporated his ideas. To conclude, …

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