Latvijas Universitātes Astronomijas Institūts
Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2018, Pavasaris (239)
Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: A.Balklavs. Some Considerations about Communication with Extraterrestrial Civilizations (abridged) ; I.Rabinovičs. Does the Moon Affect Living Nature? (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. Brown Dwarfs ; DISCOVERIES: I.Pundure. Odd Movements of Star Reveal Lonely Black Hole in Globular Star Cluster ; I.Pundure. Gaia Enables Viewing Evolution of Orion Constellation over Coming 450 000 Years ; J.Kuzmanis. A Guest from Another Stars ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Jaunbergs. To Catch the Galactic Visitor `Oumuamua ; J.Jaunbergs. Invisible Connections of Dione ; LATVIAN SCIENTISTS: The List of Popular Science Papers (1958-2016) by P…
Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2017/18, Ziema (238)
Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: I.Vilka. Starry Sky and Birds’ Journeys (abridged) ; N.Cimahoviča. Spirals of Saturn’s Rings (abridged) ; I.Šmelds. V Readings of Friedrich Zander ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. Most Distant Galaxy Clusters and 3D Structure of the Universe ; DISCOVERIES: M.Gills. The Day when Multi-Messenger Astronomy Was Announced ; I.Pundure. ESO Telescopes and Hubble Observe the Source of Gravitational Waves for the First Time ; I.Eglītis. Asteroid “Balklavs” ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: R.Misa. Mission of Cassini – Discoveries to the Very End ; J.Jaunbergs. The Icy World Tethys ; OBSERVATORIES and INSTRUMENTS: M.Gills. The Giant Radio Telescope…
Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2018, Vasara (240)
Jauna hipotēze par I tipa pārnovu izcelšanos ; No 108 minūtēm līdz 96 dienām ; Maiņzvaigznes (astronomija skolā) ; O.Dumbrājs. Nēteres teorēmai 100 gadu ; K.Švarcs. Jauni novērojumi tālā un tuvā kvazārā ; I.P. Īsumā: ALMA un VLT iegūst liecību par zvaigžņu veidošanos tikai 250 miljonus gadu pēc Lielā Sprādziena ; I.Pundure. Lagūnas miglājs – zvaigžņu bērnistaba Habla skatījumā ; I.Pundure. ALMA un APEX atklāj veidojošos galaktiku megasaplūšanu agrīnajā Visumā ; K.Salmiņš. LU Astronomijas institūts pirmais veicis nanopavadoņa S-NET lāzermērījumus ; J.Jaunbergs. Zeme atpakaļskata spogulī ; J.Jaunbergs. Sniegotā Helēne un mazais Polideiks ; R.Misa. Latvijas uzņēmums Eventech piedalīsies Luna-2…
Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2016, Rudens (233)
Latvijas Universitāte
Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2017, Vasara (236)
Contents: In MEMORIAM of ANDREJS ALKSNIS: Curriculum Vitae of Andrejs Alksnis (1928-2017) ; Condolences and Parting Words ; List of Publications by Professor Andrejs Alksnis ; “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: J.Francmanis. Enigma of Saturn’s Rings Brightness (abridged) ; E.Mūkins. Crater on Mercury Named After Rainis (abridged) ; Ā.Alksne. The Starry Sky in the Summer of 1977 (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. Early Universe Through the Eyes of Telescopes ; DISCOVERIES: K.Schwartz. Dwarf Galaxy Henize 2-10 with a Massive Black Hole ; J.Kuzmanis. Hot Topic – FRB 121102 ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Kalvāns. Are Earth's Oceans of Interstellar Origin? ; J.Jaunbergs. ‘D…
Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2017, Pavasaris (235)
Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: E.Mūkins. Clouds of Venus: Structure and Composition (abridged) ; J.Miezis. 3rd All-union Young Astronomers Gathering (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. New Discoveries in the Milky Way ; DISCOVERIES: I.Eglītis. Small Planets Get Latvian Names ; I.Pundure. Earth-mass World Revealed around Proxima Centauri ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Jaunbergs. Mysteries of Saturn’s Clouds ; A.Slavinskis. Contribution of Estonian Student Satellite Programme ESTCube to Largest Challenges for Humanity ; R.Misa. Impossible Engine that Is likely Possible ; I.Pundure. ESO VLT to Search for Planets in Alpha Centauri System ; EARTH and COSMOS: J.…
Zvaigžņotā Debess: 60.gadskārta
Contents: In Remembrance of Jānis Ikaunieks, Arturs Balklavs and Andrejs Alksnis: I.Pundure. «ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS» Was Leading to the Truth … ; I.Pundure. Astronomers of Latvian Origin in IAU Management ; DISCOVERIES: I.Pundure. Gaia’s Most Accurate Star Map of Milky Way and Its Surroundings ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: I.Pundure. ESA Selects Three New Missions to Explore the Universe ; LATVIAN SCIENTISTS: The List of Popular Science Papers (1958-2016) by Professor Andrejs Alksnis (concluded) ; In memoriam: Dr.sc.ing. Edgars Bervalds (1936-2019) ; In memoriam: Dr.phys. Natālija Cimahoviča (1926-2019) ; FLASHBACK: I.Pundure. On Hawking’s Publication in the Vatican’s Commentarii Series ; F…
Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2017, Rudens (237)
Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: U.Dzērvītis. Dispute on Hubble’s Constant Value (abridged) ; E.Mūkins. Ten «Venera»’s: Devices, Journeys and Results (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. New Discoveries in the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Jaunbergs. Salty Emanations of Enceladus ; R.Misa. Voyager: the Longest and Farthest ; OBSERVATORIES and INSTRUMENTS: J.Kuzmanis. Dragon Looks at the Sky ; K.Salmiņš. On ILRS Technical Workshop 2017 in Riga ; CONFERENCES and MEETINGS: M.Sudārs. Trends of Space Infrastructure Development in Europe ; M.Gills. Congress of European Planetary Science 2017 in Riga ; FLASHBACK: N.Cimahoviča. On Whirl…
Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2016/17, Ziema (234)
Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: A.Balklavs. New Possibilities in Search of Cosmic Gravitational Waves (abridged) ; E.Mūkins. «Venus-9» and «Venus-10» Scientific Accomplishment (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. The Unknown Solar Corona ; DISCOVERIES: I.Pundure. Gaia Has Obtained Billion-Star 3D Map ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Jaunbergs. Tar Lakes of Titan ; R.Misa. A Step Closer to Stars ; CONFERENCES and MEETINGS: J.Balodis. Copernicus Is Becoming an Impressive Business ; K.Bērziņš. Conference of Young European Radioastronomers at the Latvian Centre in Germany ; FLASHBACK: A.Alksnis. Short Trips and Faraway Journeys (concluded) ; For SCHOOL YOUTH: D.Bo…