T Campisi
Technological performances upgrading and rehabilitation of building heritage inside the historic centre of Palermo
The recovery of building heritage through the containment of carbon emissions is one of the strategies pursued by the city of Palermo. This design approach becomes more paradigmatic when it’s referred to sensitive and historic buildings or urban areas, having an international interest or involved in participatory projects for the Mediterranean city, well beyond the attention that citizens attest to them. We would analyse the Volta electrical Power Station, inside the harbour area and near the Castello a mare, interested by the overall rehabilitation of Palermo waterfront. This building qualifies itself, through a retrofit hypothesis proposed by the authors of this essay, as a significant ex…
This paper presents an experimental study aimed at testing the real energy performance of a thermo-plaster prototype made of an ordinary mortar boosted by various percentages of spent coffee ground. That is one of the wastes of the brewing process that are usually disposed of in landfill with great concerns for the possible environmental footprint due to its organic nature and possible harmful components. In this paper, the mortar was manufactured froman ordinary Portland cement and sand, partially substituted by the waste. Specimens characterization is briefly outlined and a careful examination of the thermal properties is carried out. A plastering prototype was manufactured and placed in …
Building the space: vaults’ geometry and stereotomy. Materials and architectural technologies in the Mediterranean area
Costruire una volta ha sempre nei secoli rappresentato un’arte pratica che si nutriva del contributo di chi operava in cantiere: indispensabile risultava la tecnica, il sapiente taglio della pietra e l’opportuna collocazione della stessa nel gioco statico dell’organismo murario. Un sapere tecnico, questo, che combinava l’estetica con la organizzazione strutturale della fabbrica costruenda; l’esperienza pratica aveva dettato a muratori e scalpellini i precetti in merito ai differenti compiti organizzativi e alle relative gerarchie degli esecutori dell’opera edilizia, all’attrezzature e alle macchine da cantiere, agli utensili e alle lavorazioni da usare, incentivando una spiccata attitudine …
Tradizione vs Innovazione, un binomio possibile per il recupero compatibile dell'architettura storica
Il saggio fornisce utili linee programmatiche al recupero edilizio in chiave di miglioramento dell'efficienza energetica dell'architettura storica, con particolare riferimento alla città di Palermo