G Pisciotta Tosini

Il ruolo dell'impresa multifunzionale nella tutela e promozione del paesaggio

the contribution highlights the importance of the agricultural entrepreneurial activity carried out in collaboration with the territorial bodies for the purpose of promoting and protecting the territory in which it operates.

research product

Danno ambientale e risarcimento del danno all'immagine delle isole minori (parte prima)

The contribution analyzes the elements of the damage to the image caused by environmental damage

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Presentazione della seconda edizione

with this presentation the red thread that follows the whole volume is identified

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Parte IV Capitolo IV Impresa agricola e sistema agro alimentare

This chapter deals with the regulation of the responsibility of the agricultural entrepreneur with regard to his multiple functions

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Parte II Capitolo I L'impresa agricola

this chapter examines the discipline of the agricultural enterprise in the light of the reform of the Italian civil code and the requests of European legislation towards the multifunctionality of the agricultural enterprise

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Parte III Capitolo VII I fattori della produzione agricola

this chapter analyzes the sources of financing of agricultural activities, the risks that companies face in the market and the discipline of the crisis.

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Parte IV Capitolo I, Impresa agricola e sistema agroalimentare

this chapter describes the agri-food system and the discipline of the relationships that distinguish it

research product

Gli strumenti per le imprese: I servizi di consulenza alle imprese e i sistemi assicurativi

The interventions for the agricultural sector identified by the new CAP (according to the provisions of art. 69 of reg. 2115/2022) provide, among others, the exchange of knowledge and the dissemination of information (letter h) and tools for risk management (letter f). Within the former, a central role is played by business consultancy services which, according to the provisions of Article 15 of Reg. 2115/2021, will have to assist companies with regard to at least all management requirements, conditions and commitments applicable to farmers and other beneficiaries established in the CAP strategic plan, including requirements and rules under the conditionality and conditions for intervention…

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I principi generali del diritto agrario contemporaneo e le fonti

This chapter identifies and describes the principles that govern contemporary agricultural law. The different sources of production of contemporary agricultural law and the relationships between them are also identified.

research product

Sponsorizzazione e beni culturali

In her report, the author highlighted the positive and critical aspects of sponsorship for cultural heritage

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Parte III Capitolo II I fattori della produzione agricola

this chapter describes the ownership rules relating to land as the productive basis of agricultural activity

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Parte III Capitolo I I fattori della produzione agricola

this chapter describes the old and new objectives of public intervention in agriculture with regard to land

research product