F. Sguazzin

Contributo alla conoscenza della flora brilogica delle Murge Tarantine (Taranto, Puglia): la Gravina di Petruscio ed il Bosco delle Pianelle

research product

Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: II

In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi, and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Aneura, Aulacomnium, Dumortiera, Fossombronia, Hennediella, Hygrohypnella, Pohlia, Porella, Riccardia, Tortella, and Tortula, the fungal genera Cortinarius, Mycena, Naucoria, Trichoglossum, and Tubaria and the lichen genera Agonimia, Blastenia, Chaenotheca, Cladonia, Endocarpon, Gyalecta, Lecanographa, Parmeliella, Porpidia, Stenhammarella, and Thelidium.

research product

Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 9

In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi, and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Encalypta, Grimmia, and Riccia, for the fungal genera Hericium, Inocybe, Inocutis, Pluteus, and Russula, and for the lichen genera Bryoria, Farnoldia, Hypocenomyce, Lecania, Paracollema, Peltigera, Sarcogyne, and Teloschistes.

research product

Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 5

In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi, and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Diplophyllum and Ptychostomum, the fungal genera Arrhenia, Gymnosporangium, and Sporidesmium and the lichen genera Arthonia, Coenogonium, Flavoplaca, Gyalolechia, Parmotrema, Peltigera, Pterygiopsis, Squamarina, Tornabea, and Waynea.

research product

Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 4

In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte generaCampylopus,Paludella,Tortula, andConocephalum, the fungal generaAgonimia,Buelliella,Entorrhiza,Filicupula,Poronia, andSporisorium, the lichen generaCladonia,Dibaeis,Lasallia, andRhizocarpon.

research product

New national and regional bryophyte records, 66

a The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK; b Department of Plant and Animal Production, Munzur University, Vocational School of Tunceli, Tunceli, Turkey; c International School of Advanced Studies, University of Camerino, Camerino (MC), Italy; d Grupo de Investigación Biología para la Conservación, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Colombia; e Botanical Survey of India, Central National Herbarium, Howrah, India; f Botanical Garden-Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostok, Russia; g Viale Rovereto, Trento, Italy; h Department of Botany, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine; i Kherson Branch of Admiral Makarov University, Kherson, Ukraine…

research product

Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 7

In this contribution, new data concerning algae, bryophytes, fungi, and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the algae genusChara, the bryophyte generaCephalozia,Conardia,Conocephalum,Didymodon,Sphagnum,Tetraplodon, andTortula, the fungal generaEndophyllum,Gymnosporangium,Microbotryum,Phragmidium, andPluteus, and the lichen generaCandelariella,Cladonia,Flavoplaca,Lichenothelia,Peltigera,Placolecis,Rinodina,Scytinium, andSolenopsora.

research product