M Bell
Previsione dell'inquinamento generato dalla mobilità veicolare e traffic management
Questo studio s'inserisce in una più ampia attività di ricerca sulle correlazioni tra le concentrazioni dei principali agenti inquinanti e variabili relative sia alle condizioni meteorologiche, che ne possono favorire o meno la dispersione, sia al deflusso veicolare quale fonte primaria d'inquinamento. L'idea è quella di sviluppare una metodologia per la previsione a breve termine delle densità di quegli elementi per i quali la normativa prevede delle soglie in termini di concentrazioni medie orarie. Tutto ciò al fine di potersi avvalere, in futuro, di modelli e tecnologie per sapere, con qualche ora di anticipo, se in una determinata zona di un centro urbano, un giorno, possa verificarsi q…
Lateral distribution of muons in IceCube cosmic ray events
In cosmic ray air showers, the muon lateral separation from the center of the shower is a measure of the transverse momentum that the muon parent acquired in the cosmic ray interaction. IceCube has observed cosmic ray interactions that produce muons laterally separated by up to 400 m from the shower core, a factor of 6 larger distance than previous measurements. These muons originate in high pT (>2 GeV/c) interactions from the incident cosmic ray, or high-energy secondary interactions. The separation distribution shows a transition to a power law at large values, indicating the presence of a hard pT component that can be described by perturbative quantum chromodynamics. However, the ra…
Traumatic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research
Executive summary A concerted effort to tackle the global health problem posed by traumatic brain injury (TBI) is long overdue. TBI is a public health challenge of vast, but insufficiently recognised, proportions. Worldwide, more than 50 million people have a TBI each year, and it is estimated that about half the world’s population will have one or more TBIs over their lifetime. TBI is the leading cause of mortality in young adults and a major cause of death and disability across all ages in all countries, with a disproportionate burden of disability and death occurring in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). It has been estimated that TBI costs the global economy approximately $…
Effects of prosthetic treatment for shortened dental arches on oral health-related quality of life, self-reports of pain and jaw disability: results from the pilot-phase of a randomized multicentre trial
A multi-centre randomized clinical trial is under way at 14 university dental schools in Germany to compare prosthodontic treatments for the shortened dental arch (SDA). One of the aims of this pilot-study was to measure the effect of two treatment options of the SDA on oral health-related quality of life and on the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) for temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Thirty-four patients participated in the pilot-study. Inclusion criteria were: all molars were missing and the presence of at least both canines and one premolar in each quadrant. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either removable partial dentures including molar replacement (RPD_group) or ret…