F. Galatioto

Previsione dell'inquinamento generato dalla mobilità veicolare e traffic management

Questo studio s'inserisce in una più ampia attività di ricerca sulle correlazioni tra le concentrazioni dei principali agenti inquinanti e variabili relative sia alle condizioni meteorologiche, che ne possono favorire o meno la dispersione, sia al deflusso veicolare quale fonte primaria d'inquinamento. L'idea è quella di sviluppare una metodologia per la previsione a breve termine delle densità di quegli elementi per i quali la normativa prevede delle soglie in termini di concentrazioni medie orarie. Tutto ciò al fine di potersi avvalere, in futuro, di modelli e tecnologie per sapere, con qualche ora di anticipo, se in una determinata zona di un centro urbano, un giorno, possa verificarsi q…

research product

Flower roundabouts: estimation of capacity and level of service

The research work on road junction geometry, carried out in European research centres, has recently allowed to design new road intersection types which are of undoubted interest, especially in terms of traffic functionality and safety. Among the most interesting solutions there are such schemes as spiral, turbo and flower roundabouts, which are similar to traditional roundabouts. Although these solutions provide a traffic travels counterclockwise around a central island and in which entering traffic must yield to circulating traffic, the newly designed schemes generally offer modes of traffic flow regulations which highly differ from those used in conventional roundabouts. Of considerable i…

research product

A demand-based methodology for planning the bus network of a small or medium town.

This work aims at developing a demand-based methodology for designing the bus network of a small or medium town. The proposed modelling tool adopts a multi-agent objective function which evaluates performance in the context of different stakeholders: the surplus of travellers (car and bus users); the bus service provider’s revenues and operation costs. This approach was applied to an existing bus network, serving city of Trapani, which is a medium town in the south of Italy (Sicily), with 100000 inhabitants. The bus-based public transport system attracts only about 5% of commuter trips within Trapani (source: National Institute of Statistics, 2005). This paper reports on an analysis of the …

research product

The interaction between rail stations and urban area in medium-sized towns. A case study for Trapani.

research product