Francesco Paolo Mancuso
Efficacia delle AMP nella conservazione della biodiversità: i popolamenti a Cystoseira nell’AMP “Capo Gallo-Isola delle Femmine” (PA)
Present-day Mediterranean marine biodiversity is undergoing rapid alteration. Species belonging to genus Cystoseira (biological “formers” of habitat structure) are strongly affected by variations of the environmental conditions (pollution, turbidity, etc.); modification, regression and disappearance of these “canopy-forming algae” have been yet observed in different areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Parks and MPAs, aimed at protecting marine environments, are certainly a central component of conservation strategies and a very successful way to preserve marine biodiversity. The aim of this paper was to assess the current state of Cystoseira assemblages inside the MPA “Capo Gallo-Isola delle Fe…
Multiple approaches to identify bacteria in archaeological waterlogged wood
This study was carried out in collaboration with Soprintendenza del Mare (SM) that started, since 2004, to plan and realize underwater archaeological parks, such as in the Sicilian islands of Pantelleria (Gadir), Levanzo (Cala Minnola), Ustica (Falconiera), Panarea (Basiluzzo) and Filicudi (Capo Graziano). In situ conservation, as well as virtual exhibitions of the same topics, can contribute to ensure the protection and best fruition of underwater cultural heritage. The focus of this study was the identification of bacterial colonies in waterlogged wood samples from the rostrum of a excellent workmanship, that is very likely one of the wrecks attributed to Sextus Pompey fleet (36 BC) and d…
Searching for the competitive ability of the alien seagrass Halophila stipulacea with the autochthonous species Cymodocea nodosa
The tropical seagrass Halophila stipulacea (Forsskål) Ascherson, 1867 entered in the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal more than 100 years ago. In coastal-marine ecosystems the spatial niche of H. stipulacea is often overlapped with that of native Mediterranean Sea seagrasses and therefore it might out-compete them. Aiming to better understand its invasiveness potential, we monitored a Southern Mediterranean shallow coastal-marine water habitat from August 2010 to August 2011, where H. stipulacea co-occurred with the native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson, 1870. Besides, the year-round dynamics of H. stipulacea was also monitored in four periods. To test the hypothesis th…
Status of vulnerable Cystoseira populations along the Italian infralittoral fringe, and relationships with environmental and anthropogenic variables
We analyzed the occurrence and status of infralittoral fringe populations of Cystoseira spp. (Fucales) at thirteen rocky sites around the Italian coastline, and explored the relationships with relevant environmental and anthropogenic variables. We found Cystoseira populations at 11 sites: most were scattered and comprised monospecific stands of C. compressa, and only 6 sites also supported sparse specimens of either C. amentacea var. stricta or C. brachycarpa. Coastal human population density, Chlorophyll a seawater concentrations, sea surface temperature, annual range of sea surface temperature and wave fetch explained most of the variation of the status of C. compressa. We hypothesize a g…
Influence of ambient temperature on the photosynthetic activity and phenolic content of the intertidal Cystoseira compressa along the Italian coastline
Understanding the physiological responses of intertidal seaweeds to environmental factors is fundamental to characterize their local physiological adaptation and success in the face of climate change. We measured the photosynthetic activity and the total phenolic content of the intertidal alga Cystoseira compressa and explored their relationship with latitude or local ambient air and seawater temperatures. Our results show that, when submerged, the photosynthetic activity of C. compressa showed values typical for non-stressed thalli, and the seawater temperatures found across sites explained the variability of these values. We observed a decrease in the photosynthetic activity of C. compres…
A global analysis of complexity–biodiversity relationships on marine artificial structures
Aim Topographic complexity is widely accepted as a key driver of biodiversity, but at the patch‐scale, complexity–biodiversity relationships may vary spatially and temporally according to the environmental stressors complexity mitigates, and the species richness and identity of potential colonists. Using a manipulative experiment, we assessed spatial variation in patch‐scale effects of complexity on intertidal biodiversity. Location 27 sites within 14 estuaries/bays distributed globally. Time period 2015–2017. Major taxa studied Functional groups of algae, sessile and mobile invertebrates. Methods Concrete tiles of differing complexity (flat; 2.5‐cm or 5‐cm complex) were affixed at low–high…
Evenness, biodiversity, and ecosystem function of intertidal communities along the Italian coasts: Experimental short-term response to ambient and extreme air temperatures
Biodiversity can promote ecosystem functioning in both terrestrial and marine environments, emphasizing the neces- sity ofbiodiversity conservation in order to preserve critical ecosystem functions and associated services. However, the role of biodiversity in buffering ecosystem functioning under extreme events caused by climate change remains a major scientific issue, especially for intertidal systems experiencing stressors from both terrestrial and marine drivers. We performed a regional-scale field experiment along the Italian coast to investigate the response of unmanipulated intertidal communities (by using a natural biodiversity gradient) to low tide aerial exposure to both ambient an…
Influence of environmental factors and biogenic habitats on intertidal meiofauna
This study investigated the influence of physical and chemical conditions and biotic factors on the distribution and diversity of meiofauna in intertidal zone along a geographical gradient. At 11 sites along the Italian coast, we studied the concurring role of environmental variables, trophic resources and the presence of habitat-forming species (macroalgae vs. mussels) in controlling the meiofaunal communities. The increase of water temperature combined with local thermal conditions was associated with a decrease in nematodes and copepods, with a consequent decrease in meiofaunal abundance towards the south. However, the increase in salinity, as geographical gradient decreases, and local t…
Decreasing in patch-size of Cystoseira forests reduces the diversity of their associated molluscan assemblage in Mediterranean rocky reefs
Abstract Canopy-forming seaweeds of the genus Cystoseira (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) form diverse and productive habitats along temperate rocky coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. During the last decade, Cystoseira forests have retracted their range considerably due to many interacting environmental, biological and anthropogenic pressures. We investigated how reducing in patch-size of C. montagnei affects their associated molluscan communities at the shallow northwest rocky shores of Palermo (Sicily, Italy). Molluscs were sampled from the fronds of individual thalli, clumps of 3 and 5 thalli of C. montagnei over an annual vegetative cycle (May–September) in two sites within the Marine Protected Ar…
Insight on bacteria communities in outdoor bronze and marble artefacts in a changing environment
Epilithic bacteria play a fundamental role in the conservation of cultural heritage (CH) materials. On stones, bacterial communities cause both degradation and bioprotection actions. Bronze biocorrosion in non-burial conditions is rarely studied. Only few studies have examined the relationship between bacteria communities and the chemical composi- tion of patinas (surface degradation layers). A better comprehension of bacterial communities growing on our CH is fundamental not only to understand the related decay mechanisms but also to foresee possible shifts in their compo- sition due to climate change. The present study aims at (1) characterizing bacterial communities on bronze andmarble s…
mtDNA diversity in rabbit population from Sicily (Italy)
The European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (O.c) lives all over the world and it represents an important resource for many predators. It has been classified as a Near-Threatened species in the Red List of Vertebrates of Italy. It is present in mediterranean basin as two known subspecies: O.c. cuniculus and O.c. algirus. The mediterranean geographic distribution of the two subspecies is still not well known. In particular, in Sicily, lacking of deep studies, is based on the body size and morphological characteristics; there wasn’t a complete description of the actual existing subspecies and previous studies only reported the morphological characteristics of the sicilian rabbit population. In …