A. Gallotta
Postharvest Application of Sulphur Dioxide Fumigation to Improve Quality and Storage Ability of "Red Globe" Grape Cultivar During Long Cold Storage
Table grape cv 'Red Globe' is produced in Sicily and in other areas of Southern Italy. This produce is very appreciated by consumers, having the best rankings in the world market for exports and quality. Nevertheless, despite it is a non-climacteric fruit, table grape is very perishable, both after harvest, and during postharvest handling and cold storage. In fact, also at low temperatures, table grape is very sensitive to fungal infection (Botrytis cinerea) and other diseases, like gray mold, which is very aggressive. For this reason, a standard practice is to fumigate table grape with sulphur dioxide (SO2), after storage in chambers. The growing market request of table grape cv. 'Red Glob…
Shelf-Life and Quality of Fresh-Cut Peach Cv ‘Ruby Rich’ at Different Maturity Stage
‘Ruby Rich’ is a yellow-flesh peach cultivar that ripens during the last week of May and the first of June. This fruit is characterized by distinct colour and size, which make it highly appreciated by consumers, particularly, in the local markets. However, is known about ‘Ruby Rich’ minimal processing physiology. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of passive atmosphere, during 12 d, on shelf-life and quality of fresh cut peach fruit, at different ripening stages. ‘Ruby Rich’ peach fruits were picked at mature-green stage (MG) (55.0 ± 0.5 N), and ripe stage (RP) (35.7 ± 0.7 N) determined by flesh firmness. Fruits were washed, peeled, sliced and stored for 0, 3, 5, 7 and 12 d…